This isn't that much of a change when you get past the initial knee jerk reactions. While the current 16 threads (aka 8 HT cores) is the threshold, the actual deadline requires much more computing power, and depending on core speeds, the deadline threshold is about 16 real cores, not threads.
Well, 16 real cores is already 32 threads, so not much of a change there.
And if you think about it, they don't have to change the deadlines, hence no mention of it in the post. 1. The deadlines are already up around the 24 to 32 thread count threshold, no change needed. And 2. When they raise the thread count threshold it also has the affect of raising the speed of returns, which is like raising the deadline without actually having to change the deadlines. 3. If they changed the deadlines, they would have to rework all the K factors of the current projects to rebalance the points and that's just too much tedious work. It's way easier to just change one setting on the server and let that do all the work.
Yes, this will mostly affect borderline 2P systems, but PG was shooting for a mostly 4P base with the last change anyway. And as they stated after the last adjustment, more adjustments should occasionally be expected. Well, it's coming.