How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me to?

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How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me to?

Post by BulgarDemon »

Hi, I am new in folding, but we all have to help. Recently friend of me told me about FAH and how we all can help battle the diseases. Apparently I do not need 10 years in college in order to help millions of sick people out there. Perfect, what better than that. I did some reading and decide to get in to EVGA group of folding. Done deal. I download the latest FAH client, got the passkey and started the installation. I install 20 computers strong. The problem I have it is: After 20 computers working on full, and each one folding between 8,000 and 12,000 points a day, I should have 200,000 points per day. Yes, but no. after a week of folding I check my stats and see 40,000 points. The second step, I did install 20 more FAH clients (old computers) working on low and medium, and folding between 200 to 2,000 points per day. Total of second group should be 22,000 per day. after 10 days the points are still not there. FAH stats see only 3 computers and posts around 15,000 points per day. This its disappointing, just one of my computers can do double than that. I have a duo Xeon blade server with 64 GB Ram and 8 TB storage, this it's 12 cores, 3 times as fast as just quad core or i3, i5, or i7. Just the blade server will do 30,000 points per day. After 2 weeks of folding, I have 140,000 points. I got so disappointed, I went and lower the settings one step lower (high to medium, medium to low and low to idle) because FAH was slowing my processor speed during working hours. Do I just waste a electricity and keep 40 computers working nonstop. As we all know the PC wont go to sleep or hibernate if FAH is active. I have my computer connected to surge arrest, once the pc sleeps or hibernate, the monitor scanner, printer and all other peripheral goes off (this save allot of KW believe it or not). Long story short, I do have 40 more computers. Do I waste my time and install and them? Do I keep 80 computers on at all the time and do not at least the pleasure to see my points (it is not like its money but its rewarding to see how much you did to help, instead I am picturing the electricity bill). Do my computer do nothing, or the stats server its slacking? Do I even bother doing Folding@home? Did Folding@home help some researches? Did any medication or vaccines got develop with help of Folding@home? is Folding@home a scam?

Thanks for your time reading this, and the help if you consider helping me. The other question I have is : Is there an options to restrict FAH to low during the day and increase to full at night?
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by Joe_H »

Welcome to the forum.

First, related to the points you have received, have you configured the systems with a passkey? That is required to get the bonus points which are included in the estimates. More information is available in the Passkey FAQ. If you have not used a passkey, once you have added one to the clients it will take 10 WU's eligible for the Quick Return Bonus completed and returned with the same username and passkey combination to qualify you for the bonus. That should not take long with the number of systems you mention having installed the client on.

Others who follow the details of the research results in the forms of papers, etc. can post their comments and links. Essentially F@H is base level research into protein folding and its connection with diseases. From this some drug candidates for some disease have been identified and further research is ongoing.

As for configuring your systems to contribute at levels you are comfortable with in terms of power usage and impact on other work being done on them, could you post details on some of the systems? Whether you would be doing both CPU and GPU folding or just one type also is useful to know in giving advice on setup.

Finally, the client can be controlled through scripting to have it paused or resumed. Some of these have been posted here in the past. They can probably be modified to change power settings and scheduled to happen at various times of the day.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by BulgarDemon »

Yes, I did use the passkey on all the computers. This is on the stats page:
Donor BulgarDemon
Team folding@evga (111065)
Score 197340 (certificate)
Donor Rank 95890 of 1707249
WU 50 (certificate)
Date of last
work unit 2013-10-05 08:08:16
Active clients
(within 50 days) 3
Active clients
(within 7 days) 3

this is for 15 - 20 days of folding. Is there any help support from Stanford. I just wan to be sure the other 37 computer are working and not just wasting power. I do not know which 3 computers they see. Please help.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by bollix47 »

Here are the last three returns from you in the database:

Hi BulgarDemon (team 111065),
Your WU (P11292 R14 C2 G14) was added to the stats database on 2013-10-05 08:08:16 for 2224 points of credit.
Hi BulgarDemon (team 111065),
Your WU (P6098 R0 C57 G282) was added to the stats database on 2013-10-04 17:04:05 for 9264.89 points of credit.
Hi BulgarDemon (team 111065),
Your WU (P8570 R0 C2 G233) was added to the stats database on 2013-10-03 20:04:26 for 6282.52 points of credit.

You can use the Project Summary link at the top of each forum page to determine whether these are GPU or CPU returns. The first one is from an AMD GPU and the other two are CPU projects.

Basically, the database records the last work unit returned by each of your folding slots and there are only 3 just as your stats page is showing.

You should be able to check the client logs to determine which computers these came from then show us a log from any other computer that has uploaded a work unit that you're not seeing in your stats and we can check for you.

Which version of the client are you using? Did you clone any of these clients from one computer to another?

If you need help with the log see this thread for more info.
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2 - Asus P6X58D-E i7 980X 4.4Ghz 6GB DDR3 2000 A-Data 64GB SSD Ubuntu 10.10
1 - Asus Rampage Gene III 17 970 4.3Ghz DDR3 2000 2-500GB Segate 7200.11 0-Raid Ubuntu 10.10
1 - Asus G73JH Laptop i7 740QM 1.86Ghz ATI 5870M

Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by Grandpa_01 »

Sounds like you may have got the passkey or something wrong which I believe is what bollix47 is trying to figure out. If you can figure out which just 1 of the computers is that bollix47 posted the results from, then you can copy and paste the passkey or whatever from that one to the rest of the machines you have running using a USB flash drive or something like that.
2 - SM H8QGi-F AMD 6xxx=112 cores @ 3.2 & 3.9Ghz
5 - SM X9QRI-f+ Intel 4650 = 320 cores @ 3.15Ghz
2 - I7 980X 4.4Ghz 2-GTX680
1 - 2700k 4.4Ghz GTX680
Total = 464 cores folding
Posts: 2948
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Hardware configuration: Machine #1:

Intel Q9450; 2x2GB=8GB Ram; Gigabyte GA-X48-DS4 Motherboard; PC Power and Cooling Q750 PS; 2x GTX 460; Windows Server 2008 X64 (SP1).

Machine #2:

Intel Q6600; 2x2GB=4GB Ram; Gigabyte GA-X48-DS4 Motherboard; PC Power and Cooling Q750 PS; 2x GTX 460 video card; Windows 7 X64.

Machine 3:

Dell Dimension 8400, 3.2GHz P4 4x512GB Ram, Video card GTX 460, Windows 7 X32

I am currently folding just on the 5x GTX 460's for aprox. 70K PPD
Location: Salem. OR USA

Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by P5-133XL »

There is something obviously wrong in your configurations. Don't know what yet. You installed folding on ~40 computers but the stats say you have only 3 clients attached to your name after folding for a 15-20 days it is likely that something is wrong. Do note that a machine will not show up in the stats until it has posted a WU and depending upon the WU and the capabilities of the machine it can quite a while to fold.

May I suggest that you Pick one machine (The odds are it will be one not successfully folding), and post its log (including the system portion and Config). That way we will be able to see what is going on and can try to help. Once we've figured out what is happening on that one machine, we can go on to the next and the next one step at a time. Trying to diagnose 40 machines in parallel would be an exercise in confusion. However, most likely what is wrong with one is also wrong in another. So we'll start with one.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by tank1023 »

Have you tried to get on EVGA's forums, lots of great help there too

Welcome to the fold!
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by TheWolf »

First thing to check on each rig is that your User Name and the Team Number are set correct.
This will be the same on every computer, the passkey will also be the same for every client
no matter if its a CPU client or a GPU client.

This info would all be set the same no matter the version for the Folding at Home software your using.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by EXT64 »

Be certain the passkey is 100% identical - even an extra space on the beginning or end can throw it off.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by bruce »

Did you install FAH independently on each computer or did you clone the installation?

Note that whenever a client sleeps/hibernates, it stops folding and the a GPU slot often does not resume work properly. Personally, I've never had that happen on a CPU assignment.
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Re: How to donate hours of fold, if the system do not let me

Post by rjbelans »

I see 15 clients listed now, hopefully you are getting things worked out. It appears to me that it was likely the issue of cloning the installation causing the problem.
folding@evga - Donor Advisory Board Representative
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