I think the reason they haven't been an issue is they are either no longer active, or not a highly enough ranked team for the current stats sites to be tracking.
They came across my view simply because I'm experimenting with a full set.
The data, as it is presented by the flat files, for those 15 teams is:
Code: Select all
81098 vijos bebiruja gakma
\nchair http://fqwi8vp.biz/boxer-breeders.html [url=http://bpsr9fo.biz 10061 71
81890 setos nuwujuzy gekma
\nimportance http://narovkom.nl.eu.org/her-tits.html [url=http://meritblog. 6002 72
82156 bafos fygazome gokma
\ngood http://mv8oyh3.biz/free-pink-pussy.html [url=http://faro--kom.nl 3785 22
85412 jybos xizerypo gokma
\ndoubtful http://qq5dyhx.info/hentai-magna.html [url=http://ffxljgl.in 1673 27
94014 mygos vugehisi gikma
\nintellect http://pz7pbqy.info/www-sportsautority-com.html [url=http://jp8gcl 548 1
78732 lujos nyrigihi gakma
\nupon http://tools-tip.nl.eu.org/07/family-video.html [url=http://tools-tip. 414 6
85526 pemos fozekuna gikma
\nfeelings http://klemoblog.tripod.com/sitemap4.html [url=http://freewebs 330 1
110029 gacos bylawebe gokma
\nbaka http://ve981743.sghzpww.net/sitemap6.html [url=http://ve981743.sgh 306 2
73895 Hi voi tipi\nnoticed http://csitemap10800.nerbiol.org/ [url=http://csitemap5600.nerbiol.org/ ]could[/u 287 1
74156 Hi voi tipi\nbringing http://fsitemap64.nempola.info/ [url=http://fsitemap66.nempola.info/ ]Miss[/url] < 251 1
86316 xefos nifyfoja gikma
\nin http://ug3h0wi.info/sitemap2.html [url=http://whwkja3.info/sitemap2.html ]mu 241 1
93130 pexos hahygefo gekma
\nMr http://dp3tbp1.info/sitemap1.html [url=http://pf0hmpv.info/sitemap2.html ]ha 211 1
84530 beros gekajixa gikma
\nMajor http://zf1y1fs.biz/eby.html [url=http://jmqp7tr.biz/autoinsuranquotes.htm 0 1
79600 wigos ratohola gykma
\nyou http://u2jkt-www.com/cock-suckers.html [url=http://pgqot-www.com/hardco 0 1
89411 jobos curovabe gykma
\narticles http://quwgqrn.info/driving-direcions.html [url=http:/ 0 10
I don't know who to report this to directly to get those entries cleaned, so I thought I'd post it here.
Also, I haven't yet done the same search through the users file, but if I find any of this sort (will take longer, due to the vast increase in lines) I'll post them as well.
A quick browse through the Users flat file shows 155 entries at the end with 'NULL' for the 'newcredit' entry, '0' for the 'sum(total)' entry and '4294967295' for the 'team' entry.
Why that is significant is that number, 4294967295, is the largest number you can save in a 32-bit unsigned integer, telling me someone's math got crossed somewhere with those entries.
Code: Select all
jedi1010 NULL 0 4294967295
sil90311 NULL 0 4294967295
Phanosh NULL 0 4294967295
Andrew NULL 0 4294967295
computer_tom NULL 0 4294967295
WrathlonZ NULL 0 4294967295
Solomon-Ryan NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1111 NULL 0 4294967295
Anonymous NULL 0 4294967295
Antoine_Dubuc NULL 0 4294967295
pivot NULL 0 4294967295
TeCh4 NULL 0 4294967295
SimoneNaples NULL 0 196
MicrochipTechnologyInc NULL 0 4294967295
Pavel_Kucherkov NULL 0 4294967295
ravnoor NULL 0 4294967295
Gen3r4l1ty NULL 0 4294967295
BaltimoreBeastMaster NULL 0 4294967295
WHSFTW NULL 0 4294967295
Solomon-Office NULL 0 4294967295
RShizzle NULL 0 4294967295
vege NULL 0 4294967295
jenius NULL 0 4294967295
compucius NULL 0 4294967295
Blake_Escritt NULL 0 4294967295
martin NULL 0 4294967295
DonAtreides NULL 0 4294967295
11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677 NULL 0 0
Le_e_Deh NULL 0 4294967295
Jordan NULL 0 4294967295
eric_suter NULL 0 4294967295
Alex_Williams NULL 0 4294967295
K13ran2 NULL 0 4294967295
32u5hre NULL 0 4294967295
Mightylobo NULL 0 4294967295
sammythagoon2 NULL 0 4294967295
Inter93 NULL 0 4294967295
Rob NULL 0 4294967295
Intrivious NULL 0 4294967295
Plasma_panzy NULL 0 4294967295
David NULL 0 4294967295
Meltedcubey NULL 0 4294967295
Cade_Woody2 NULL 0 4294967295
UltimateZone NULL 0 4294967295
Alexander_Diggon NULL 0 4294967295
Jeffrey.Goldstein NULL 0 4294967295
James_Zhang NULL 0 4294967295
ericw75 NULL 0 4294967295
David.Wilson NULL 0 4294967295
IvanFA NULL 0 4294967295
zeaal NULL 0 4294967295
Wolfram NULL 0 4294967295
Loktev_Yuriy NULL 0 4294967295
johneydermon NULL 0 4294967295
basicguypluscoffee NULL 0 4294967295
Jony_blizz NULL 0 4294967295
Matt_Vermeulen NULL 0 4294967295
Ryan_Burke NULL 0 4294967295
OCGhost NULL 0 4294967295
Steph NULL 0 4294967295
Christina_Mossaad NULL 0 4294967295
firedog NULL 0 4294967295
Hexxus NULL 0 4294967295
Fraser_Barclay NULL 0 4294967295
r0ot NULL 0 4294967295
Hanno NULL 0 4294967295
Mark_Lencioni NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1616 NULL 0 4294967295
BriW NULL 0 4294967295
Nicktomsbro NULL 0 4294967295
MikeMcHugh NULL 0 0
SherryAlex NULL 0 4294967295
UrbanGrafix NULL 0 4294967295
jedi915 NULL 0 4294967295
LadyusSopp NULL 0 4294967295
NobodyDoesNothingAlone NULL 0 4294967295
NULL 0 4294967295
Anonymous99 NULL 0 4294967295
www.impulsleistung.de,_Kevin_Ostheimer NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1414 NULL 0 4294967295
WillTGordon86 NULL 0 4294967295
Joerg_Helpenstein NULL 0 4294967295
wangxin NULL 0 4294967295
lvaiji NULL 0 4294967295
Leeds_West_Academy NULL 0 4294967295
AirBear800 NULL 0 4294967295
jleonard711 NULL 0 4294967295
Jag5x5 NULL 0 4294967295
Jendras NULL 0 4294967295
noname NULL 0 4294967295
Tom.Fenfert NULL 0 4294967295
willodemops NULL 0 4294967295
Nick NULL 0 4294967295
krisreddish NULL 0 4294967295
aizgod NULL 0 4294967295
Angel_Penas NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1515 NULL 0 4294967295
MeowMix NULL 0 4294967295
jsteenken NULL 0 4294967295
rness NULL 0 4294967295
vmsamir NULL 0 4294967295
Forrest_Bajbek NULL 0 4294967295
AlienwareAurora NULL 0 4294967295
Czeslaw NULL 0 4294967295
edoardo.bracaglia NULL 0 199
BW_ANQ NULL 0 4294967295
coulos1 NULL 0 4294967295
MW NULL 0 4294967295
greg.kaleka NULL 0 4294967295
maufiero NULL 0 4294967295
OutRayJos NULL 0 4294967295
fsdfsdfsfsfs NULL 0 4294967295
Brandon_Williams NULL 0 4294967295
dasani NULL 0 4294967295
Brian7045491532 NULL 0 4294967295
Ferdoc NULL 0 4294967295
Alessioskis NULL 0 4294967295
Emparo821 NULL 0 4294967295
Gary_Farrell NULL 0 4294967295
Mongoose1948 NULL 0 4294967295
DappaH9 NULL 0 4294967295
Sheri NULL 0 4294967295
Crook NULL 0 4294967295
Dean_Sofer NULL 0 4294967295
Solar5 NULL 0 4294967295
zach4477 NULL 0 4294967295
MWdesign NULL 0 4294967295
edmastermind29 NULL 0 4294967295
SpanswickHome NULL 0 4294967295
Alexey NULL 0 4294967295
_ NULL 0 4294967295
Digitalfun NULL 0 4294967295
usubaHD NULL 0 4294967295
markpo25 NULL 0 4294967295
LuzonTryst NULL 0 4294967295
ouriachi_karim NULL 0 4294967295
monstros1ty NULL 0 4294967295
Native_Razer NULL 0 4294967295
GOGOR NULL 0 4294967295
dnguyen NULL 0 4294967295
Anononomolous NULL 0 4294967295
Dorthy_and_Jeff NULL 0 4294967295
Andolamin NULL 0 4294967295
Esge NULL 0 4294967295
Skumdog NULL 0 4294967295
irhello NULL 0 4294967295
chezbob NULL 0 4294967295
Michal_Daricek NULL 0 4294967295
HammerDown NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1212 NULL 0 4294967295
ToshBoForMom NULL 0 4294967295
Smukkeste NULL 0 4294967295
gohenderson NULL 0 4294967295
jedi1313 NULL 0 4294967295
test NULL 0 4294967295
Thanks for your time.