combining passkey with non-passkey WU credits?

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combining passkey with non-passkey WU credits?

Post by dzjnky »

Hi Folding Team! I am glad to be back folding again... I took some time off because I was very slow in upgrading my OS, and for a while there were no clients that I could run. In any case, I am back! My "old" folding donor account did not have a passkey, but I do have over 11M points to my credit. Now it appears you have added passkeys to the accounts, and it seems like my new WU credits are being added to a "separate" donor account under the passkey, and the old non-passkey account is just sitting there idle... Can you guys combine my old WU credits into my passkey account, or do I really have to start over at zero? It took a long time to get to 11M, and I don't really want to lose all those credits - the bragging rights are fun!!!!

(aka dzjnky)
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:34 pm

Re: combining passkey with non-passkey WU credits?

Post by dzjnky »

OK, I looked closer, and I am seeing that when I search the stats server with out my passkey, I am seeing all the WU credits for my old and new WU's.... I was just initially confused when I put in the passkey on the stats search, and it only returned the WU's that had been submitted with the passkey. After I pondered a bit, it makes sense now - guess I answered my own question [grin].
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