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Post by 100%VG »

Hi y’all,

I started folding in February on a fairly fast PC that is also doing GPU WUs. I played with the folding Speed setting, and found that I could let folding run at Full Speed, w/o any overheating, so I’ve been doing it that way, 24/7. I am running fah-installer_7.3.2_x86 on Windows 7 64-bit with 4GB RAM.

It’s a Dual Core CPU, and I am able to do one (1) CPU WU, and one (1) GPU WU at a time. Multi-Day Jobs are being done in 3 and 4 hours. I was impressed. Didn’t think the PC was really that fast.

At first, it ran undisturbed, 24/7. I started having Performance problems with my main PC that I use for Everything. That PC is older and much slower, so I started using the folding PC at night to play and chat in a Lounge on ECF, about a week ago. Everything had been going well. folding would let me stop it, I could play for a while, and then turn it back On.

I have been folding WUs 10501, 10502, 10503, and 10504 ever since I started folding. They are GPU WUs, and they keep running, somewhat in succession.

Last night, when I turned folding back On, WU 10503 said Wait 3 hours and 8 minutes. I worked on the other PC for a while, came back to check on folding, and it said Wait again. The Wait period will time out, but another Wait period will start, and the WU never starts running. A CPU WU is running OK.

So I have two questions . . .

What is causing WU 10503 to keep saying Wait, over and over? . . . and How can I get it running again?

How can I get 3 WUs running? . . . 2 CPU and one GPU?

Thank you!!!
Folding on a Dedicated Computer at Full Speed
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Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by Joe_H »

There were some network problems at Stanford that effected the F@H servers starting yesterday. Most servers are back, including the two with work for your older nVidia GPU. The client should eventually download a new WU to process, but the connection load is just starting to come down after clients all started checking in for uploads and downloads. If it doesn't clear up in few hours for you, please post your log and we can take a look at it to see if there is another issue.

As for getting 2 CPU WU's running, if you mean on the PC that already has a CPU and GPU folding slot, that is not recommended usually. You can install the folding client on the second PC, just use the same username, team and passkey.
Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:21 pm
Hardware configuration: AMD Athlon 7750 Dual Core 2.8GHz CPU
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Location: Alexandria, LA, USA

Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by 100%VG »

Thanks Joe,

I'll leave well enough alone for the CPU WUs on this PC, and just wait a little longer for Stanford.

Much appreciated!!!
Folding on a Dedicated Computer at Full Speed
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Intel Atom330 dualcore (4 HyperThreads)
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Location: Finland

Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by Napoleon »

You may also want to upgrade to the latest release version (v7.3.6). Simply setting the Folding Power Slider to Idle would probably be ideal for you. If you want to fold with both CPU cores, go to Advanced Control -> Configure -> Slots -> cpu and set CPUs to 2. That will get you CPU:2 Work Units which will use both of your CPU cores.

However, make sure that your setup is fast enough to complete CPU:2 WUs within Timeout - formerly known as Preferred Deadline. If daily use and/or GPU folding takes too much of your CPU time to consistently achieve that, please revert to CPU:1.
Win7 64bit, FAH v7, OC'd
2C/4T Atom330 3x667MHz - GT430 2x832.5MHz - ION iGPU 3x466.7MHz
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Hardware configuration: Machine #1:

Intel Q9450; 2x2GB=8GB Ram; Gigabyte GA-X48-DS4 Motherboard; PC Power and Cooling Q750 PS; 2x GTX 460; Windows Server 2008 X64 (SP1).

Machine #2:

Intel Q6600; 2x2GB=4GB Ram; Gigabyte GA-X48-DS4 Motherboard; PC Power and Cooling Q750 PS; 2x GTX 460 video card; Windows 7 X64.

Machine 3:

Dell Dimension 8400, 3.2GHz P4 4x512GB Ram, Video card GTX 460, Windows 7 X32

I am currently folding just on the 5x GTX 460's for aprox. 70K PPD
Location: Salem. OR USA

Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by P5-133XL »

He is running v7.3.6 (see first post)
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Asus AT3IONT-I Deluxe motherboard
Location: Finland

Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by Napoleon »

First post,
100%VG wrote:I am running fah-installer_7.3.2_x86 on Windows 7 64-bit with 4GB RAM.
Win7 64bit, FAH v7, OC'd
2C/4T Atom330 3x667MHz - GT430 2x832.5MHz - ION iGPU 3x466.7MHz
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Re: GPU WUs say WAIT

Post by bruce »

The idea of the power slider is to try to pick options that work for everyone. If FAH takes too many resources on a slow machine, it SHOULD be set so that it only folds sort of like a screensaver only comes on when nothing else is happening. That should take care of the only-fold-at-night option and maybe pick up an extra hour or two during the day while you're not at the computer.

For most computers, the OS scheduler does a good job of running FAH at a lower CPU priority than anything else on the computer so that part of FAH can probably run continuously without impacting the performance of whatever else you're using the computer for. If FAH is using the GPU, the chances of an unacceptable performance degradation is much higher so most of the slider settings suspend GPU processing when the computer is not idle.

The only way to find the best setting for your computer is to adjust the slider to whatever performance level let's you use your computer for whatever you choose to and let FAH have the rest of the unused resources.
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