The Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

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Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by compdewd »

Thanks to Nathan_P and mmonnin, about 75 records were added to the database.
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Hardware configuration: AMD R7 3700X @ 4.0 GHz; ASUS ROG STRIX X470-F GAMING; DDR4 2x8GB @ 3.0 GHz; GByte RTX 3060 Ti @ 1890 MHz; Fortron-550W 80+ bronze; Win10 Pro/64
Location: Bulgaria/Team #224497/artoar11_ALL_....

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by artoar_11 »

Thank you for the efforts you make for the GPU Comparison Database.

I noticed one wrong row - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti 7624 5:26 37350 - TPF and PPD unreal for 650 Ti.
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Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by compdewd »

Thank you for pointing that out. I misread the source. It should be a 660 Ti. Fixed as of now.

Also, you're welcome ;)
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Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by compdewd »

Soon, I will begin developing a "Show Only Projects In Current PSummary" checkbox. The 460s' data is very skewed due to project changes and whatnot. I'm not sure what to do with them long-term, so for now I will try to hide them with the checkbox defaulted to "on". This should appear soon.

Other features that may be implemented eventually:
- "Filter by Project": This may be helpful once users are capable of choosing a cause for which to fold. Knowing which GPU folds a certain project the best may be helpful for those wanting to fold for a certain cause. (Of course the best GPU may be the most expensive, regardless of project.) Then a "Sort by PPD"/"Sort by TPF" for the project specified would be sub-options. The likelihood of this feature is high.
- "Show Only Non-Overclocked Records" checkbox: helpful if someone whom is not interested in overclocking their card wishes to see how it will perform relative to other non-overclocked cards.
- "Compare Model X to Y": This is a little way down the road, but still very much a possibility. It would certainly make everything more attractive. Indeed.
- Export Functionality: this would be an export as a CSV file. This would place after the compare feature mentioned above in priority.

Any objections, approvals, or suggestions are welcome :)

Did you know? - Did you know that when filtering by PPD, the "to" (second/"maximum") field can be left blank? Well, it can be! The "from" (first/"minimum") field, however, cannot be left blank. If the "to" field is left blank, the algorithm will assume there is no limit for the PPD range requested.

Somewhat Irrelevant Information - I now own an EVGA GTX 650 Ti :eugeek:
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Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by mmonnin »

Purdy graphs would be nice at some point. Say of a certain WU, graph TPF by GPU core to give a good visualization on good GPUs to buy.
Posts: 652
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Hardware configuration: AMD R7 3700X @ 4.0 GHz; ASUS ROG STRIX X470-F GAMING; DDR4 2x8GB @ 3.0 GHz; GByte RTX 3060 Ti @ 1890 MHz; Fortron-550W 80+ bronze; Win10 Pro/64
Location: Bulgaria/Team #224497/artoar11_ALL_....

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by artoar_11 »

mmonnin wrote:Purdy graphs would be nice at some point. Say of a certain WU, graph TPF by GPU core to give a good visualization on good GPUs to buy.
Visualization in the form of graphics is always easier to compare different GPUs. Do not know if it is easy to do?

Another idea, if you can bind a database with (Currently Running Projects). Then inactive projects to be shown in a different color (or font). Will be easier to distinguish.

When you scroll down, if possible, be visible the column headings.

If it makes sense, to add a column (month/year), when added to the database.
Somewhat Irrelevant Information - I now own an EVGA GTX 650 Ti :eugeek:
Congratulations :D viewtopic.php?f=38&t=23179&p=232559#p232559
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by compdewd »

Graphics are a little outside of my expertise, but then again, I thought having more than a simple spreadsheet was, too! I will certainly have some learning to do for the graphics. I see they are in demand, however some (a lot of) things have priority for now, but I will certainly have that on the waiting list!

I actually already have the database bound to the PSummary page and it is updated daily (once I can get the script working properly). Inactive projects can be found on the database errors page. Making them seen from the main page is probably a better idea. I will then most likely have the "Show Only Current PSummary Projects" option to off by default and color code the inactive projects.

Having the column headings scroll with the rest of the page will take some JavaScript which I am not fluent in yet, to be honest :oops: . I may just look at someone else's code for that and then "copy" it (while learning at the same time, of course).

A "Date Added" Column will also be added to the waitlist. I will admit that the waitlist is quite long, but keep in mind that I am just one person!

Thanks for the congrats! It was an upgrade from a card that did not even have dual-monitor support :e?:
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Comparison Database

Post by compdewd »

Database Update:
- The database filtering options now include an option to show only records with projects matching those listed in the current PSummary and an option to filter by project.
- The "Known Database Errors" page now does not include unlisted projects as errors.

Some Things to Note About "Filter By Project":
- The only projects listed to choose from are those that are found in the database and that are found in the current PSummary. Therefore choosing a project that is listed in the database but not listed in the current PSummary cannot be accomplished. It was made like that with the intent of causing less confusion for people looking for only current projects, which is probably the majority of people. I presumed most people would not be looking for statistics for inactive projects, however there are some exceptions. If this is a problem for anyone, let me know and I'll try to figure out a way to make both options available.
- If JavaScript is turned on in your browser, the checkbox to show only current projects is disabled upon selecting "Filter By Project" to cause less confusion for those thinking that selecting it will change the output for filtering by project. Filtering by project does not take the "Show Only Current PSummary Projects" option into account. If JavaScript is turned off in your browser, the checkbox will not be disabled, but the aforementioned statement still applies.
- A form does not submit the value of a disabled checkbox, so if the "Show Only Current PSummary Projects" checkbox is disabled and you click "Filter!", remember that even if the checkbox was previously checked, it no longer will be. This is something I hope to fix in the future probably with cookies, but for now the "bug" (if that's what it should be called) exists. Fixing the problem would in turn introduce a new feature that would remember your filter options even after leaving the page. So a win-win once it comes along.

Other Database Updates:
- Color coding the inactive projects will take a little more time as some code needs to be rearranged in order to add the feature.
- Making graphs with JavaScript/jQuery/other things is not preferred so when I get to it, I will try doing a pure CSS approach :D
- As for the fixed scrolling table header, I have code that works, but the table columns need to have a fixed size which may disrupt some smaller screens, forcing them to scroll horizontally, but if it has to happen, then it has to happen.
- A "Date Added" column will come once I receive a new submission

As this will probably be the last update before the new year, I would like to wish a happy 2013 to all! :)
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by compdewd »

Database Update:
- Added "Color Coding" to projects found in the current PSummary. Its a slightly innaccurate description of the change, but that is what essentially one of the features added. So, if a project is not found in the site's ('s) "Current PSummary Database" that is updated daily, then it remains white like the rest of the data shown in the database viewing page. However, if a project is found, the project is hyperlinked to the main FAH site's description page for that project.
- Added a favicon. The favicon works in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and COMODO Dragon (based off Chrome, what I use), but does not work (at least for me) in Internet Explorer. (Who would have thought, right? ;)) I am using IE 8 because I still use Windows XP. If it does work for more recent versions of IE, great, but if it still doesn't work for anyone else, you can blame Microsoft because I followed their directions for favicons for IE. One thing that may work that I can't really do, is add the icon to the site's root directory, however that may make it a favicon for the whole site, which is not what is intended. It's a pretty simple icon. Would have had a FAH logo, but permission has not been received. It's better than nothing, though.
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by compdewd »

Database Update:
- Added a "Sort by PPD" checkbox.
- Renamed "Show Only Current PSummary Projects" to "Show Only Records w/ Active Projects". This also means that if you copied the URI of the page for a link or something, using that URI to reach the page will cause the option to not work.
- Added "Do Not Show ..." options to hide some columns that you may find unimportant or that may make the table too large for your screen.
- (old news) Fixed a bug that caused filtering by PPD with a minimum or maximum PPD equal to the desired PPD to not show records with a PPD of that specified. So, if you specify a minimum PPD of 1000, now it will actually show records with 1000 as the PPD instead of starting with 1001.

There are a few new records pending addition. Will get to those soon. Let me know if you encounter any problems.

Enjoy! :D
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by compdewd »

The database will be down starting at 4:00 PM EST, January 17, 2013 (today, roughly 15 minutes from now). Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Details: The actual MySQL database will undergo changes that will cause the viewing page to break. To prevent this the page will be taken down temporarily.

I will post to this thread when the database page is back up. Thanks for your patience!
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Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by art_l_j_PlanetAMD64 »

Here is some preliminary data, not official, of what I have seen so far on my dual-GTX 660 Ti system:
  • cpu: AMD FX-8150 8-core CPU, 3.6GHz
  • gpu0: GTX 660 Ti, 1215MHz GPU/6010MHz Memory
  • gpu1: GTX 660 Ti, 1228MHz GPU/6010MHz Memory
The GPUs are the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 660 Ti OC model number GV-N66TOC-2GD, which shows the Core Clock: Base / Boost clock:1032 / 1111 MHz. So the GPUs must be self-overclocking, because I have not touched a thing. I just plugged them in and had to re-install the NVidia 306.97 driver (because Windows does that stupid thing about automatically installing its own driver when a new device is detected, and the display goes to something like 640 x 480). Monitoring of the GPUs is done by EVGA Precision X v3.0.4.

This system currently has an 8072 and an 8074 WU. I found the following entries in the database, followed by my GTX660Ti data in bold:

GTX560Ti: 8072, TPF 2:19, 24080 PPD
GTX670: 8072, TPF 2:26, 22925 PPD
GTX660Ti: 8072, TPF 2:06, 26564 PPD

GTX670: 8074, TPF 2:25, 23083 PPD
GTX660Ti: 8074, TPF 2:10, 25747 PPD

Here are the entries for 762x WUs that I found, for the GTX560Ti and GTX670 (average values shown of several 762x WUs):
GTX560Ti: 762x, TPF 5:21, 38000 PPD
GTX670: 762x, TPF 5:32, 36600 PPD

So it looks like my GTX660Ti's should get 38k+ PPD each on 762x WUs, as they are faster on the 807x WUs than either the GTX560Ti or the GTX670.

I did notice that Task Manager shows the GPU FahCore_15.exe processes using 1%-2% each constantly, with some excursions to 12%, and the SMP FahCore_a4.exe process getting what's left. Also the SMP PPD seems to go up and down over about a 2:1 range. So I have the SMP slot set to 'Finish', and when it does I will change it to smp:6 instead of smp:8, to see what difference, if any, it makes.
Over 1.04 Billion Total Points
Over 185,000 Work Units
Over 3,800,000 PPD
Overall rank (if points are combined) 20 of 1721690
In memory of my Mother May 12th 1923 - February 10th 2012
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am
Hardware configuration: [1] Debian 8 64-bit: EVGA NVIDIA GTX 650 Ti, MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD FX-8120
[2] Windows 7 64-bit: MSI NVIDIA GTX 460, AMD Phenom II X4
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by compdewd »

- The database page is now back up.
- 8 new records were added.
- A new column, "Date Submitted", was added. (This was the cause of the page going down.) The new records that were added have dates associated with them. The submission dates for previously entered records is not known so they will not have submission dates associated with them.

Looking forward to that official data and the results of the core change!
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Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by art_l_j_PlanetAMD64 »

compdewd wrote:@art_l_j_PlanetAMD64:
Looking forward to that official data and the results of the core change!
OK, but I won't post any official data until I have a stable configuration. Right now, these 2 systems each have a P7611 WU, with the Estimated PPD shown:
  • Debian Linux 64-bit, AMD Athlon X2 7550 2.5GHz, smp:2, PRCG 7611 (0, 42, 254), Est. PPD 3978
  • Windows 7 64-bit, AMD FX-8150 8-core 3.6GHz, smp:8, PRCG 7611 (0, 76, 200), Est. PPD 3957
So I think the processes that are 'stealing' 3%-4% or more from the SMP slot, are causing a real slowdown. The WU in the smp:8 slot won't be Finished for another 12 hours 25 mins, so I will change it then.
Over 1.04 Billion Total Points
Over 185,000 Work Units
Over 3,800,000 PPD
Overall rank (if points are combined) 20 of 1721690
In memory of my Mother May 12th 1923 - February 10th 2012
Posts: 472
Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 2:28 pm

Re: Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database

Post by art_l_j_PlanetAMD64 »

Here is some more preliminary data, not official, of what I have seen so far on my dual-GTX 660 Ti system:
  • cpu: AMD FX-8150 8-core CPU, 3.6GHz
  • gpu0: GTX 660 Ti, 1150MHz GPU/6010MHz Memory
  • gpu1: GTX 660 Ti, 1228MHz GPU/6010MHz Memory
I finally got some 762x WUs, Hooray:
  • gpu0: PRCG 7623 (314, 1, 8), TPF 5:32, 36675 PPD, 73C
  • gpu1: PRCG 7623 (725, 6, 22), TPF 5:16, 38532 PPD, 61C
There seems to be automatic throttling of the GPU voltage and frequency for gpu0, due to its higher temperature. It must be the 'upper' card, that gets the heat from the 'lower' card gpu1. Both GPUs have the fan speed manually set at 95%.

Also, by using Core Temp, I can see a repetitive cycle happening on the CPU. The temperature rises to a certain value (about 53C), then the CPU clock drops down to 1.4GHz until the CPU has cooled off, then the CPU clock goes back up to the normal value again. This appears to be another self-protection action, I'll have a look in the BIOS settings when the SMP WU is completed in about 7 hours 27 mins.
Over 1.04 Billion Total Points
Over 185,000 Work Units
Over 3,800,000 PPD
Overall rank (if points are combined) 20 of 1721690
In memory of my Mother May 12th 1923 - February 10th 2012
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