Many Questions

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Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

I have two machines folding nonstop right now.

First machine is a Core 2 Duo E8400 and I'm using the FAH504-console program. I assume that's the best I can do on this machine????

Second machine is a single core P4 3.0ghz with a x1950PRO. Using the FAH504-console on that machine as well. I just name it "ID 2" for the machine ID. Would I be better off using the GPU client with that card? OR is it moot since I have only a P4 3.0 single core CPU anyway? I was thinking the GPU may actually be better than teh CPU for folding.

I want to maximize both machines so if anyone has any input on what folding programs I should be using please comment.

Also, debating a new laptop (Core 2 Duo T8100) or a PS3. Its really a flip of a coin for me on either. What one would I get the most folding out of? I see some guys on my team using the PS3 and they seem to be bumping out big numbers.

Anyway thanks for the input. I need to max the two desktops I have and for my third item which would make a better folding machine, laptop or PS3?
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

jaxstraww wrote:First machine is a Core 2 Duo E8400 and I'm using the FAH504-console program. I assume that's the best I can do on this machine????
Nope. The 504 is single threaded application and it uses just one CPU core of your rig. It would be better to run two of these (install another 504 in a different directory with different machine id). But the best option would be to run the SMP-client which is geared towards multi-core machines. There are several options. You can get it from High Performance Windows Clients page (5.91 with or without the 5.92 upgrade) or you can fire up a Linux virtual machine on your rig (then you need VMWare Player or VMWare server and a working Linux image, the easiest would be notfred folding image). When using the SMP-client, the machines should be kept running 24/7 though, otherwise they might miss the tighter deadlines.
Second machine is a single core P4 3.0ghz with a x1950PRO. Using the FAH504-console on that machine as well. I just name it "ID 2" for the machine ID.
Actually not necessary, the different machine ids are needed when running more than one client on a single machine.
Would I be better off using the GPU client with that card? OR is it moot since I have only a P4 3.0 single core CPU anyway? I was thinking the GPU may actually be better than teh CPU for folding.
Unfortunately the X19XX GPUs have become obsolete from the Stanford viewpoint. You can no longer download a client that folds on this hardware. The new GPU2 client works only on HD2XXX and HD3XXX graphics cards( Probably the HD4XXX will be supported as well). If you got cash to burn then you could replace the X1950PRO with an HD3850 (I assume you got AGP system).
I want to maximize both machines so if anyone has any input on what folding programs I should be using please comment.

Also, debating a new laptop (Core 2 Duo T8100) or a PS3. Its really a flip of a coin for me on either. What one would I get the most folding out of? I see some guys on my team using the PS3 and they seem to be bumping out big numbers.

Anyway thanks for the input. I need to max the two desktops I have and for my third item which would make a better folding machine, laptop or PS3?
The T8100 would probably be capable of running the SMP-client as well. Actually both might give about equal PPD. If you don't use the laptop for anything else then it might be better as it consumes a lot less electricity than the PS3.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

Thanks. No go on the SMP client. Get an error code 5 even after following the instructions. In fact can't uninstall as it can't find a language file? I grabbed another console file and changed the machine ID. Both are running now. Not sure I like the 100% CPU usage but as long as temps remain stable it should be ok.

Not grabbing the HD 3850 as I won't game on the P4 any longer. Shame about the 1xxx cards because that 1950 was a beast. Yes AGP.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

I'm assuming you got that error 5 with WinSMP 5.91? You could give the notfred folding cd a try. All you need is to download a VMWare Server (VMWare Player is also a possibility but you'll have less control over the VM) and the notfred iso + fold64.vmx file. VMWare requires registration but it is free. The CPU usage will be less than 100% (varying between 94-98%) because running a virtual machine has its overhead. The point production will be much better than two classic (504) clients though.

It is indeed a shame about the X1950.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

Thanks for the help. VMware is in server maintenance right now so no DL or registration. Do you have any linkage on the notfred iso + fold64.vmx file? I'll google and read up on the forums first. Asking how difficult is it to set up? Yes, the error was with 5.91.

I downloaded the ISO image to a CD and will boot from that. Do I still need the VMware or is the .ISO image enough? It said I can follow the use by navigating my browser to it? How is that done? Where would I point my browser to?

I'm going to use this on the P4 machine only for now. I set it to two processors (HT I guess it means two for this purpose) Will this work on a single core P4 with HT?
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

jaxstraww wrote:Thanks for the help. VMware is in server maintenance right now so no DL or registration. Do you have any linkage on the notfred iso + fold64.vmx file? I'll google and read up on the forums first. Asking how difficult is it to set up? Yes, the error was with 5.91.
Sure: bottom of the same page you downloaded the iso from:
I downloaded the ISO image to a CD and will boot from that. Do I still need the VMware or is the .ISO image enough?
If you boot from the cd, then the computer is only folding and cannot be used for anything else. With VMWare you can just minimize the window and use the computer for other stuff as well. That's what I'm doing. ;) If it is a dedicated folding machine then cd is even better than VMWare, no overhead.
It said I can follow the use by navigating my browser to it? How is that done? Where would I point my browser to?
It should display the address of the machine. ( for example). If you type that address in your browser on the other machine ( then you'll see it.
I'm going to use this on the P4 machine only for now. I set it to two processors (HT I guess it means two for this purpose) Will this work on a single core P4 with HT?
Unfortunately the 3.0GHz P4 with HT is too slow for SMP folding. You are going to miss the deadlines.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

This is bad ass. Your correct as I used another machine and put in the IP addy and seen the P4 information.

Are you saying the CD set up with big packets off is a waste of time? I won't finish in time on the P4 machine? That will blow if that's the answer. Its definitely folding but I get "Hard Drive image is corrupted, not backing up" no big deal is it?

The unit info says
Current Work Unit
Name: p4528_T0387-12_minout
Tag: -
Download time: May 11 15:51:22
Due time: June 15 08:39:22
Progress: 2% [__________]

Does that mean its due by June 15th?
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

It's not an SMP workunit. Ah yes, P4 doesn't support 64 bit, so it automatically falls back to classic client. Oh well..
It will complete in time (before June 15th, man what a long deadline, the SMP units have just 2-3 days deadline) but it doesn't give better PPD than just running Windows 504 client. Notfred doesn't use the HDD so if you don't use that computer for anything else, then you can take out the HDD altogether. The "image corrupted, not backing up" means it is not writing checkpoints to any medium except the memory so if you shut down that computer before finishing the WU, it will lose all progress. To avoid that, you can stick a USB memory stick in the machine before booting up, then it will write checkpoints on that.

I'm hoping TheMass will read this and fill in the blanks in my explanation, he has used notfred way more than me. ;)
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Re: Many Questions

Post by bollix47 »

Currently, you will get that message even if you do have a usb stick in place. notfred was in the middle of updating the client for some other options when he had to get out a new version to accomodate the new smp client. As long as the usb stick is in it will backup regardless of what the message says.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

Roger that.

Its still ok. When I was runinng the P4 I only had one session of 5.04 console running. From what I see now its running two seesions on the single core CPU. The hyperthreading shows two so I'm getting two sessions now compared to the one before using the CD.

My last question would be could I have been running two 5.04 sessions on the P4 before????? I figured I could only run the one.

On the Dual 2 Duo E8400 I have two sessions open now. And 100% CPU tells me that's right. I can't have 4 sessions open on the Dual Core can I?
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

Running two clients on P4 will probably give slightly higher points than running just one but it won't be double performance since it is just 1 CPU doing the calculations and it has its limits. Yes, you could have done it under Windows as well.

You can add 4 or even more clients on dual core, however they will just slow down accordingly, so not much point there. ;) Stanford wants the results as soon as possible, so running more than 2 classic clients on dual core is definitely not recommended. When VMWare site comes back online, then it's worth checking out VMWare + notfred on that rig.

You might check out third party tools like FahMon as well for displaying the performance of all your machines from single interface. ;)
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Re: Many Questions

Post by sneakers55 »

jaxstraww wrote:Also, debating a new laptop (Core 2 Duo T8100) or a PS3. Its really a flip of a coin for me on either. What one would I get the most folding out of? I see some guys on my team using the PS3 and they seem to be bumping out big numbers.

Anyway thanks for the input. I need to max the two desktops I have and for my third item which would make a better folding machine, laptop or PS3?
PS3 is an easy 900 points per day.

I've got a T7800 lappy (2.6 GHz, 4 MB L2 cache, 800 MT/s) and it wasn't consistently making the SMP deadlines. T8100 is only 2.1 GHz but it's got the Penryn technology (which, if I remember correctly, is only about 5% faster than Conroe/Merom).
AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 4200+ (2.2 GHz)
Intel C2D 6400 (2.13 GHz)
Intel C2D T7800 (2.6 GHz)
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

I have F@Hmon but not sure what file to drag and drop to monitor? I have client.cfg, FAH504-console, FAHlog, queue, unitinfo, FAHCore_78, Work folder and Myfolding in my F@H folders. Which file do I monitor? I have two F@H folders for the two instances on the E8400 machine. How would I monitor the performance on the P4?

NO monitoring programs where I just put in my username and call it a day?

Thanks for the help. We are almost there.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by Ren02 »

FahMon is getting its information from the FAHlog.txt file.
P4 should display the name of the computer in the Windows Network (something like \\Fold-3a5c)
That is a browsable address, if you type in the address bar of Windows Explorer: \\Fold-XXXX\c\etc\folding\1\ and \\Fold-XXXX\c\etc\folding\2\ (replace the XXXX with appropriate code from your P4) then you should see familiar directory with FAHlog.txt and other files. Drag-drop from there.
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Re: Many Questions

Post by jaxstraww »

Got it. The P4 isn't putting much out at all. I have a total PPD of 2277.77 with only 225 coming from the P4. Maybe not worth the electricity to run it. So I'm looking at 2100PPD as is with the E8400. Any idea what I would put out with the VMware setup and SMP once I get that going?

I can also use the P4 for email and run the CD on the E8400 for a few days as well. I just need to know I won't hurt my machine doing that. That way I don't have to wait for VMware to get back online. I'll just need to DL the new ISO and set it for big WU's and 2core. I assume the 4core option is for quads.
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