1. Mass participation is really what is needed for a successful Distributed Compute project.
Regardless of how many points one were to award...how many people are there in the world willing to build and run dedicated 4P servers?
I'm aware that many dedicated FOLDERS here are willing to make that kind of investment....But we are still talking thousands...not Hundred thousands, and not millions.

I am sure these 4P systems have and will continue to contribute very important and very significant capability. However, to really make an insane, a 100x or 1000x or 10,000x increase in the pace of science.....You need mass participation

2. While I think the PPD should, and will be determined on the 'equal points for equal work.' : I am not so sure the investment and Wattage comparisons are so far off.
I have looked again at building a dedicated / watt efficient platform for a GPU dedicated system. It is easy to spend $700 without the card...so $1000 for the entire system.
$244 I7 CPU
$100 Z77 MB
$100 Gold or PLAT PSU
$100 OS
$50 BOX
SSD DRIVE, etc. etc.
$250 $300 GPU and you are around a grand.
Now, you are going to be at 200/300 watts and a $1000 for the expected 100K to 150K ppd.
This compares with what 600 Watts and $2000-$3000 that people making 4P systems were spending to generate 200K to 300K PPD.(OC systems were going as high as 400K if I'm not mistaken) So yeah, the GPU will win in comparison, but it is not anything like a 10x loss, or even a 5x loss compared to the BIG-ADV. points that people were generating.
Obviously, YMMV, people will build SLI systems to reduce overhead costs etc. etc. etc.
I'm just pointing out that using the entire system for GPU has costs beyond the GPU itself...and if GROMACS uses Heterogeneous compute, the entire system might be used even more than in the past.

Ultimately, the Science should and will determine the best system/ points. I'm just not sure it will be immediately a lopsided loss for the 4P systems in comparison.