But there appears to be a problem, it appears that fac can not complete the 8101's on time most of the time or not at all. It appears that it is probably completing the 8102's in time but it is failing to meet the deadline far more often than it is making it. This can not be good for the science if this is what is happening, how many WU's do you think I may be running that are being reassigned to me because this donor did not meet the deadline, From looking at the stats of the donor I would guess allot of the bigadv folders are running redundant WU's that have been reassigned because they were not turned in by the preferred deadline.
Any way I think somebody should look into this and see if my suspicions are correct here, and I am wondering if I should just shut down my rigs until this gets ironed out seems like a bit of a wast of 4500 Watts electricity on my part to rerun WU's.

Link to donors stats http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1804246