This is the update thread for The Folding@Home GPU Statistics Database!
This particular database was designed and is maintained by Patrick Rebsch (compdewd). There are other Folding@Home GPU statistics databases out there and you are free to choose which one you reference for your purposes. In fact, it is suggested that you use all of them that you can find especially if you are going to base a purchase off of the data. (The database here sometimes imports data from other databases, but this only occurs by manual entry and should not be expected.) As with all databases of this nature, the information (such as PPD and TPF) is provided by submissions by others and may be incorrect (see the database disclaimer). This database tries to keep high data integrity using a few different methods:
- Submission of data by others is first entered into a secondary table that is manually parsed and submitted into the main database by Patrick, himself.
- Project data is collected from Stanford once a day to ensure that the PPD for each record is kept up to date. Do note that PPD for each record is not automatically altered to be correct, but is rather calculated and presented on this page.
- The ability to see a summary of each graphics card model (per project) rather than all the records individually
- The ability to see one type of graphics card chipset at a time
- The ability to see one type of graphics card model at a time
- The ability to filter by a particular project to compare graphics card models against each other relative to a certain project
- The ability to filter by a range in PPD
- The ability to filter the results by only active Folding@Home projects
- The ability to sort the results by PPD
- The ability to hide some of the columns from view so the page does not venture off-screen on smaller screens

If you would like to submit data to the database, either post to this thread or use the form found here. You may also email Patrick at admin@compdewddevelopment.com if you have files such as spreadsheets of your own, or, if you use HFM.NET, the "WuHistory.db3" file. If you post to this thread, please include as much of the following information as possible in your submission:
- Graphics card chipset, model, and driver version
- FAHCore (e.g. 0x15) and core version (e.g. 2.22)
- Project ID that you have worked on or are currently working on
- Average TPF of said project
- Average PPD of said project
- GPU core clock speed and specify if it is overclocked
Submitting data of multiple WUs is encouraged. Even if you see an identical or very similar entry in the database already, please still consider submitting your information because if more sources are saying the same thing then the reliability and validity of the information increases. Thank You!

--- Original Post Below ---
I would like to start gathering data on GPUs and their points per day (respective to each project) to make a comparison database. But before I begin asking for information, I would like your feedback on if this is something worth doing and if you think this would be beneficial to many people. I would imagine most of those looking for graphics cards are not looking for them for the primary reason of folding, but rather to game and whatnot, so, would making a large database comparing GPUs' PPD really make a difference to many people when they are looking at graphics cards? I imagine I am probably one of the minority considering buying a graphics card primarily to fold and I know that I would like to have a comparison of GPUs to look at before I buy a card, but would many others?
Also I realize that assembling a database like this is a big task for one person, but if it is worth it to a lot of people, then I'm willing to give my time.
Thank you ahead of time for your responses