Forum administration has issues keeping moderation standards

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Forum administration has issues keeping moderation standards

Post by tear »

G'day everyone,

This is not a rant but something I'd like to share and what I believe other forum members
should be aware of.

I have witnessed acts of post moderation that were done without any explanation
and without notification left in altered post.

Just a little bit of knowledge for all the members.

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Re: Forum administration has issues keeping moderation stand

Post by Ivoshiee »

If you have any specific reasons to suspect that then report it and you shall receive explanations from involved parties.
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Re: Forum administration has issues keeping moderation stand

Post by tear »

This should be common practice without any sort of solicitation.

1. Any modification is reflected in the modified post (so viewers know they can't attribute authorship exclusively to the poster any more)
2. Explanation is provided to the poster without solicitation.

That's how you maintain credibility of the forum. You don't modify posts behind people's back.
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Re: Forum administration has issues keeping moderation stand

Post by Jesse_V »

Forum policies: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15
Posts that do not follow the above guidelines, regardless of the poster, will be edited or deleted at the site administration's discretion.
Not firm rules as such, but guidelines for forum users:

If you post here, you must live with any edits, deletions or other moderator actions without public complaint. Private complaints may be addressed via PM to the Mod or Admin.
It's been my experience that the norm is to receive a PM about the post in question.
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Re: Forum administration has issues keeping moderation stand

Post by bruce »

While I agree with the substance of your post, you do realize that this whole thread violates forum policy. I should delete it immediately.
While a moderator will try to explain an action taken on your posts, he/she will not argue about it. If you have an issue with a mod action and cannot resolve it with that moderator, do not make a public complaint. Do not continue in pursuit of the moderator. If you continue to harass a volunteer moderator in that way, you will likely lose opportunity for appeal. If you still have issue(s) with site moderation, please take it up with the Administrators and if that doesn't work for you you can always appeal to the Pande Group, though they are likely to see things the way the Moderator did
If you post here, you must live with any edits, deletions or other moderator actions without public complaint. Private complaints may be addressed via PM to the Mod or Admin
You are demonstrating the hostile, confrontative attitude that is exactly what is unwelcome in this forum.
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Re: Forum administration has issues keeping moderation stand

Post by sortofageek »

tear wrote:G'day everyone,

This is not a rant but something I'd like to share and what I believe other forum members
should be aware of.
G'day, tear,

This is not a rant but something I'd like to share. I believe you and other forum members should be aware.

The other day I edited your post as well as many others, all of which sounded hostile to another member as well as to an admin who was actually being generous allowing a topic which was off topic for this site. One "word" was removed from your post, "LOL," which made your already too confronting and off topic post moreso.

Usually, when I edit a post I will send explanation in some form. I was busy. The edit seemed minor. I'm sorry if that was offensive to you, but it might happen again in a similar situation. Anyone, however, could avoid having this happen by simply respecting a post from a moderator in a topic and not appearing to be arguing or talking back. If you wish to comment on such a post, use a private message.