Cluster rendering issue?

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Cluster rendering issue?

Post by ifoldyoufold »

So I've just started folding on my laptop and pc, and my pc seems to be running as I'd expect but my laptop seems to be having some display issues in the viewer. For starters my whole cluster has a grid outline on all the spheres which doesn't happen on my pc. Secondly, after about 30s the viewer just slows down to around 1FPS, the cluster spins really slowly, and the CPU usage drops off quite a bit for all cores. I have to click on the viewer for it to sort of bring it back to life. I'm using the CPU client V6.23.

Have tried searching around, didn't know what to search for and what I did search for didn't yield anything useful, so I'm not sure what's the problem.

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Re: Cluster rendering issue?

Post by Napoleon »

Welcome to the forum, ifoldyoufold.

The v6 viewer is known to be buggy and a resource hog. Client v7 beta has a better one.
Last edited by Napoleon on Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cluster rendering issue?

Post by Jesse_V »

Napoleon wrote:The v6 viewer is known to be buggy and a resource hog. Client v7 beta has a better one.
Yes, the v7 client has a much better viewer. However it should be noted that at least for me it always shows the demo protein and not the protein you are actually working on. This is because the most common core, GROMACS, outputs the current atomic detail to a file which v7 doesn't yet know how to read. There is an outstanding bug for that, here: ... ticket/409 And v7 is a beta client, so we're all testing it out here. Should be the recommended client and replace all v6 clients within a few months or so. Once that happens, running F@h will be much smoother and less buggy. :D
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Re: Cluster rendering issue?

Post by bruce »

Welcome to, "ifoldyoufold" (Nice handle, BTW :) )
Secondly, after about 30s the viewer just slows down to around 1FPS, the cluster spins really slowly, and the CPU usage drops off quite a bit for all cores. I have to click on the viewer for it to sort of bring it back to life. I'm using the CPU client V6.23.
You've already gotten most of the answers to your questions but I'll add one more thing. That version of the viewer was intentionally designed to slowdown to 1FPS after 30s. Because it used so much CPU time rendering, it slowed down the actual folding significantly. The idea was that if you were not actually watching it, it should reduce the CPU overhead and go back to folding at a more realistic speed.
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