First time user, Few questions. Alienware M17x R2

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First time user, Few questions. Alienware M17x R2

Post by DR650SE »

N00b here!

Ok so here are the specs of my system, it's a notebook. Copy and paste of specs: Alienware M17x R2 | i7 940XM | X-Fire AMD 6990M | BIOS A10 MOD | 320GB Intel X-25M SSD RAID 0 | 1TB Internal HDD Drive | 8GB 1333MHz RAM | 1900x1200 RGB LED | Killer 1103 Wif | USB 3.0 | Win 7 Ult | Linux Mint .

trying to run F@H in windows for now. I have downloaded the Folding@home-Win32-x86-systray-623. I basically opened it, and am running it. My question is, How can I maximize my system for folding. I'd like to do as much as possible.

judging from CPU usage, running one application isn't taxing the CPU. The 920XM is a 4core/8thread CPU. How do I set it up to run on all cpu threads?

I'd also like to run it on the GPUs at the same time if possible, but the GPU2 client says that my GPUs are not compatible, so I guess thats out of the question. :e?:

Another question, I notice on the display window, it shows the molecules spinning and all that jazz. Every min or so it looks like the image stutters a bit. What causes that?

How do I monitor the number of work units my system has completed? In the configure>User I input a name, but havn't seen anything when I check the user statistics I come up with a blank web page.

Those are the few questions I have for now, but I don't know enough to ask more questions :oops:

Thanks for your help!
Silver Alienware M17X R2 | i7 940XM | X-Fire AMD 6990M | BIOS A10 MOD | 320GB Intel X-25M RAID 0 | 1TB Internal HDD Drive | 16GB 1333MHz | RGB LED | Killer 1103 Wifi
Black Alienware M11X R1 | SU7300 | 1GB 335M | 256GB SSD | 8GB DDR3 | Win 7
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