Account: can't change my password

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Account: can't change my password

Post by InfinityDevil »

I'm having a user profile issue.

I've used the form to change my profile password for the application, but it wouldn't accept the nice and random password I generated for it.

So I did the Lost Password process, it says it changed the password to the one it emailed me, but when I try to use that password on the form, it won't accept it, either.

My user profile is InfinityDevil, same as my forum name here. I wasn't sure where to post this so kindly point me in the right direction and I'll be on my way.
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Re: Account: can't change my password

Post by Jesse_V »

I'm not sure what you mean by "password for the application". Do you mean "passkey for the client"? Because those are generated by Stanford and are based on your email address. Are you talking about password for management of a team? Please clarify so we can help with your specific issue. Thanks.
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Re: Account: can't change my password

Post by bruce »

1) The V6 FAH application has no password unless your OS imposes password restriction on it or if you're using a proxy.

2) V7 does have a password which is used to manage remote connections, which is only used if you're a FAH expert.

3) Perhaps you mean Passkey, which is used by both clients to manage credits for completed WUs.

4) Team owners need to use a password to manage the links to the team forum.

Which one do you mean and how are you trying to enter it? Which client's installation guide is unclear?
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Post by InfinityDevil »

First, thank you for a very fast response! Here is where I'm seeing the issue.

Go to the main site

Click Stats

Click: Change your team information: name, homepage, logo

(So Option 4 from the above list: Change your Team Information.)
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Re: Account: can't change my password

Post by Jesse_V »

Have you been here: because it looks easy to get your password back here. You have to have the exact team name and the same email address you used when you set it up to get your password back. Hopefully this helps.
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