Hi. I have a work unit that wil not progress past 'Entering M.D.'
Here is the log. I'll be dumping this unit to get another. This machine is not overclocked, and has been folding for years successfully.
Is it trying to do the WU over and over again? I see you have a "Working with standard loops on this execution." message in the log, have you had problems with the machine?
MBM, No, it just sat there, there were no new entries in the log for several hours. It produced the same log results every time I restarted the service. So I deleted queue.dat and \work several times until I got a new work unit. This is a dual PIII motherboard running at 1 GHz, no other problems. I have two folders running here, no great daily points, but it folds day in and day out for several years now. It is now working on 6509(R6, C33, G91) and is due to complete 06/04/11 20:54.
It may not show us anything, but if you still have the WU, I suggest you stop the service and try running the client interactively. It's pretty rare, but sometimes there are unexplained things that happen with a service that are more easily explained using the standard client.
Personally, I'm guessing it's a bad WU, so if the WU is gone or it's too much trouble, don't worry about it.