Ivoshiee wrote:The multiple checkpoints has been the topic for years, but I do not recall about reading why it is not in use. The same is with "0x1" reporting
Ok my friend. Can you come up with just one logical reason why neither has been implemented?
Can you identify one reason why either would not be in the BEST interest of the project, and its #1 ASSET - the VOLUNTEERS?
You know how to code. I do also, but sold my business years ago. That was back in the assembler days. We NEVER had a customer complaint (or code bug) and sold our products mainly to MAJOR U.S. and Foreign Universities and Corporations. Wish that I could still code like that. Age and technological advances just caught up on me.
Ivoshiee wrote:For me personally these issues are not that important at the moment, because as long as the computer is still usable to the users who need to use that computer, the FAH client can "EUE" or "0x1" as much as it will like (*).
All but 7 of my machines are TOTALLY dedicated to folding. They do ABSOLUTELY nothing else.
Our perspectives may be different.
I fold mainly in rememberance of my father who was diagnosed with a nasty disease back in the G@H days, and passed away recently.
Ivoshiee wrote:(*) Only if it is software issue. If it is being caused by the hardware then I am pretty upset and try to fix the box, but the FAH client is solely in Pande Group domain. I'll report the issues, try to find out why it is doing what it is doing and try to propose ("obvious") fixes or workarounds.
The issues that I am trying to address are software issues as you know. As I understand it, many people running Quads or better are running multiple instances. To eliminate possible problems created by what is cobbled, (but pretty good)TRUE Beta Software, I run only one instance per Quad.
I purchased ALL of my equipment from personal funds, gave virtually everyone in my family computers for Christmas presents, birthdays, etc. - AND suspect that my emotions sometimes influence my posts when I see a potential alternative or better solution. This Forum is one that I refer to as a "love and kisses" Forum since issues involving the slightest bit of controversy do not appear, and if they do, they quickly disappear.
I am not certain that the Pande Group truly understands, or cares, what its "temporary" volunteers (in many cases) think, although I have the highest respect for Dr. Pande and the basic research.
In numerous communications over the years, I have heard the comment that Scientists are not necessarily well schooled in public relations.
Dr. Pande's news has been a major improvement and I applaud his effort.
Ivoshiee wrote:The FAH development is somewhat different than you may be familiar with. There is no single FAH client entity what is being used by project scientists.
Disagree here but only from my experience. There are certainly a number of clients - Win, OSX, Linux, flavors of same for SMP, etc. I have never received, and to my knowledge the project does not have the capability of sending me a "new" client to correspond to a new WU assignment. I run all WU types except GPU and WIN SMP in my little farm.
Cores are a separate issue BUT my excellent third party monitoring app displays both the Core version and gives me ready access to FAHlog.txt where download of a new core is obvious.
Educate me.
Ivoshiee wrote: In fact there are several branch of code base being hacked away who ever has a need it for his/her project at the moment. All coding is almost exclusively for the sole purpose - to get MY project going and finished as soon as possible. All the rest is not (that) important and may come (much) later if ever.
Agree to some extent but strictly related to the particular WU class. I assume that you are addressing the actual WU in your comment.
Ivoshiee wrote: Random donator probably does not see the project that way, but that is my experience. What to do then? You have to sell the idea you are promoting, to the public at large, to the mods and more importantly to the Pande Group. Try to engage direct connection to the Pande Group members, it may prove fruitful. Good luck. And after couple of years of pushing you'll have the feature you seek.
Your last sentence is the one that upsets me constantly. I have spent a LOT of time giving presentations to whomever will listen concerning joining the project. I hang around at the local Apple Store passing out cards and explaining the project. I do not recruit for my Team Association, but for the project as a whole.
In addition, prior to my illness, I had been VERY active in recruiting for my specific Team.
I had the pleasure of making many friends in the process. I was alarmed by the attrition rate, and when I asked, I was told several different stories which I need not post here. The major reason for leaving was, however, frustration with some uncontrollable aspect of the project - mainly 0x0's, being relegated to what they perceived as a second or third class folder due to PUBLIC STATEMENTS, obsolence of new computers in less that 1 1/2 years (for those folding for points). I am sure that you get the picture. To me, it is sad, but due to my reasons for participation as stated above, I will continue and do what I can to alert those "in power" to the situation.
Got some free time? Look at the attrition rates in the top 10 or 20 Teams. As a previous Senior Bank Executive, if we had lost that magnitude of customers, some heads would have rolled. We never did because we had a department exclusively dedicated to customer development and retention. That, IMHO, is lacking here.
I was so pleased to see your post in this thread Ivo. I have very high respect for you and your contributions. You also opened up an opportunity to address some issues separate from my post.
Other comments and opinions are totally welcomed.
If I am wrong, tell me so (nicely, please - I am an old guy)
As an old guy, be aware that I am a MAJOR proponent of the K.I.S.S. principle, a concept that occasionally escapes the Pande folks, at least IMHO.