Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

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Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by wfo »

Please split this forum into 1 for Mac SMP and one for Linux SMP. I have no desire to filter the Mac bleep myself. I should not even have to skim it to determine it does not apply to me or anyone else running Linux SMP. Thanks. :-)

Is it too much trouble to post about new WUs in "News?" The new WUs are wreaking havoc with clocks that have been stable for 6 months! 3 recent EUs after 100% complete with client core errors. 2-3 minute increase in frame times, hard lock ups in virtual machines and nothing but frustration for a week. I've been doing this too long to want to micro manage every client on a daily basis. I've been in a set it and forget it mode and been happy. 2951 point WUs aren't worth this aggravation. I don't even see them listed in current projects. :roll: If these aren't new WUs, are you actually giving the previously promised bonus points or new WUs based on the performance fraction??? Keep us in the loop if you want happy volunteers!!!! :ewink:
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by dschief »

I'd put in a second vote for a separate Linux SMP Thread, I don't like wading through dozens of Mac posts either.
If I remember correctly, { maybe not, getting old } thats the way it was set up on the old forum.
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by bruce »

This structure was a result of a request from the Pande Group. We can certainly discuss it with them.

From the user perspective, particularly for a released client, there are lots of questions from users with installation problems and those are distinctly different for Linux and for Mac (well, and for people who use 3rd party installers, for that matter).

From the Pande Group's perspective, all of the bugs reported against the Mac and the Linux client are the same because the two clients are identical. That makes a lot of sense when you're collecting information about problems with the client and core during beta testing. As a general rule, newbies shouldn't be beta testing so they should know how to deal with installation problems -- except those that are specifically changed by the beta software.

So it becomes one of style. Is this a beta test or a place that we collect installation problems?
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by sYnAnjin »

I agree, I don't need mac info and I am sure they don't need linux stuff.

It would also be wonderful if I could just come to one place to find out all the information on Linux SMP issues. That includes new WU info, problems with points, issues with cores, etc. Right now you not only have to go through mac stuff here but on the wu and server threads all the other types of folding. It would be nice if all that info could be forum specific with a moderator or a helper transferring any thing that Standford needs to know or respond to.

I have 10 units and most days just have time to verify that ever thing is ok. I do that mostly by points production. I look at my daily production and can see if I have a problem.

I don't have a lot of time to search and research possible problems as I mostly work 7 days a week and average around 10-12 hours a day on weekdays and 4-5 on weekends.

I already have issues with my wife, who really is a sweetheart about all this, over not spending more time with her and less on folding.
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by bruce »

sYnAnjin wrote:I already have issues with my wife, who really is a sweetheart about all this, over not spending more time with her and less on folding.
Hehehehe. That probably applies to a lot of us.
It would also be wonderful if I could just come to one place to find out all the information on Linux SMP issues. That includes new WU info, problems with points, issues with cores, etc. Right now you not only have to go through mac stuff here but on the wu and server threads all the other types of folding.
How do you propose to make that work. For example, if a Mac (or Windows) user discovers that there's a problem with credits for a particular server (as there happens to be now) and they post that information in a forum exclusively for Mac (or Windows) but you only read the Linux forum, you won't find the information, so you'll ask the same question or post about the same problem. Everyone who is getting assignments from that server has exactly the same problem -- as it has nothing to do with Linux.

The goal here is to collect all similar issues under a single heading. As I said earlier, problems directly related to the core are common to Linux and Mac. Installation issues are unique. WU and server issues apply to EVERYONE.

I do think that there's room for improvement in the forum structure, but I'm not sure that having only three topics, Linux, Mac, and Windows, would make it any easier to find what you're looking for. - - in fact, this discussion belongs in the Issues with this forum since it clearly is not related to the SMP client.
It would be nice if all that info could be forum specific with a moderator or a helper transferring any thing that Standford needs to know or respond to.
We do our best to capture the information that Stanford needs to know about and make sure it gets to the right place.
I have 10 units and most days just have time to verify that ever thing is ok. I do that mostly by points production. I look at my daily production and can see if I have a problem.
Probably the SMP crediting issue that I'm talking about. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1732 (but check the last couple pages for the current status.)
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by sYnAnjin »

Thanks Bruce,

What I was talking about was possibly a floater on top with the current issues effecting Linux SMP. One moderator or a volunteer could cut and copy to and from applicable forums. If a server that effects three then post in the the appropriate place along with a quick copy and paste here.

It doesn't even have to be a floater that I can post to, I report a problem it is verified and posted to a locked floater and delete my post.

I look there for the newest info and problems: So SUBJECT: Points problems with server XXX or WU XXXX. First post - there is a points bug, it effects 2605's and 2619's reported by XXXX on Thursday April 27th. Next post - Friday it is fixed points to follow in a few days. Next post Friday late, yes, we still know there is a problem and are working on it, eta fix on server Monday mid day - Points not yet credited will be hand figured and posted next week. Eta Thursday....... A day or two after the problem is resolved just delete the floater.

You may have two or three floaters, ie Points issue server XXXX and so on.

Next make a floater for all new wu's to report problems and give a run down, WU 2619 - New work unit or there has been problems brief description of problem/s and then please report problems to this thread and make a link.

I have reported several issues that I didn't see posted elsewhere, because of the original title was vague, because it is a server issue rather than a wu issue, placement in different thread, I didn't know where to report it, etc. Then I have also seen the same problem reported in four or five different places, often multiple times in the same forum.

Seems once it is a verified problem, a quick remove to a floater would save a lot of moderators time in the long run. This task could be run by moderators or even volunteers.

just a thought,
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by bruce »

sYnAnjin wrote:Seems once it is a verified problem, a quick remove to a floater would save a lot of moderators time in the long run. This task could be run by moderators or even volunteers.
Forum moderators (and administrators) are all volunteers, so the word "even" doesn't apply. Well-placed "news" items may help get things like the stats problem into people's view so we don't have 8 or 10 threads about the same topic that need to be merged, but I'm not sure if it will be a net increase or net decrease in moderation time.
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by sYnAnjin »

Guess the only way to find out for sure would be to try it. :ewink:

I was also referring to asking for or seeking a couple of new volunteers who would just look for those type items.

Obtw I do what I can, but time is one thing I don't have a lot of, so I couldn't be one of them.

Just something to think about.
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Re: Please Split Mac and Linux SMPs +New WUs?

Post by v00d00 »

How about Linux as the main forum and Macs as a sub forum of it? :D

But one main board for Unix variants and two sub forums within to cater for each client, while allowing any general issues to be posted as news topics in the main bit.

Likewise i like to just browse Linux related and not have to filter Mac probs (of which there always seems to loads of).