I've just got a few questions about Folding@Home in general (New user here...Sorry!

Work Unit related:
- Unit processing times: (That old biscuit!
I'm going to refrain from asking the old question "How long should a work unit take?" as - Given the varied speeds, types and architectures of equipment involved in the project - The only possible correct answer is "How long is a piece of string?".
However, is there any way of guesstimating a rough estimate for work unit time; maybe through inputting processor speed, RAM, and other important factors into a simple equasion etc?
Maybe Folding@Home could even be used to develop such an equasion if it doesn't already exist! - Unit averages:
The reason that I ask the above is because: Looking at my console (I'm running 5.04b under Win32) my first work unit has 400,000 steps, and performs about 4,000 (1% of total) per 30 minutes on average - Meaning that it would obviously take 50 hours on aggregate to process the entire work unit, and that's not accounting for extra CPU load from Windows Media and FireFox!
Although I know that the "string" axiom might apply to this question as well; Is there such a thing as an "average" work unit, and - Given that I'm using a recent, factory spec home PC - Is 2.5 days an "average" processing time for a 400,000 step (Calculation?) unit?
- Folding teams:
Now I already understand the concept of Folding users (Who doesn't?) and I can grasp the concept of groups of users forming teams to "fold" together, as it's identical - In principle - To the structure of players and guilds in World of Warcraft. However, what I'm interested in is whether there are any advantages of any kind to being a member of a team, as opposed to folding alone (Group set to 0) as I'm doing now?
- Creating own team for Folding Farm identification:
I've mainly joined Folding as I am currently experimenting with the idea of hacking/reprogramming old hardware (Mainly old ISP modems/routers) and my eventual goal is to try and get Folding@Home working on this equipment. Although I could run all of these devices on my username under seperate CPU/System ID's (It might only be five units, or it could run as high as a 100-unit Folding farm!) would it be a better idea for me to create my own team - Assuming this is a publicly do-able process - And have all of these devices folding under that team-name? - Folding Farms in general:
I notice from idly browsing another thread that people have built large multiple CPU/system setups that are dedicated to the Folding@Home project. At the moment I plan to be just an average contributor donating spare CPU time on my main PC plus whatever work the hacked routers/inpromptu Folding farm (See above) manage on top...But is there a distinct incentive of some kind for people to build these Folding Farms and "fold" faster than BCCI Bank ever could? Or are they supporters like myself who built the farm by way of a "donation" to the Folding project?
- Improving work unit processing times:
Can I assist the project further by bending old paper and card by hand whilst my PC's doing the mathematical stuff? (Groan...)

+++ DieselDragon +++
(P.S: I'll dump my PC spec in my signature once I've got a Coffee on the go!