What folding has encouraged me to do!

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What folding has encouraged me to do!

Post by k1wi »

Running F@H VM images has convinced me to change my current system location!

At the moment I'm running my i7 behind my TV in an entertainment centre. The cost? Not enough airflow into the computer and a constant battle between fan speeds and acceptable temperatures. The result of which is slower than possible clock speeds and higher than desired temperatures!

The solution? Well I have a nice and cold garage directly below the living room, so I'm "investing" in a 5m HDMI cable & 1 3m USB extension cable to keep our HDTV and my wireless mouse happy. That'll mean I can run my fans as fast as possible, sucking in as much of the cold air as they want, I won't have to worry about the noise of them and I'll still be able to do all the things I do now (game if I desperately want to, watch HD etc).

I mostly use the PC for folding and as a file server these days, usually operate it via VNC & it only has an ancient CDdrive, which I never use as these days I just mount ISOs, I have no need for the PC to be in the same room.

It might even be more secure, because the garage is the last place anyone would look for a computer and at the moment my computer would be the first thing a burglar would see when they lift the TV :P

PS. time to go get some more memory; can't get enough of it!
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Re: What folding has encouraged me to do!

Post by bruce »

I've run FAH on computers in my garage. (The only problem I had was that they collected internal dust a lot faster than in the house.)
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