FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

This forum contains information about 3rd party applications which may be of use to those who run the FAH client and one place where you might be able to get help when using one of those apps.

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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by smoking2000 »

uncle_fungus wrote:Yes. Unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about it at the moment as fahinfo.org is still using psummary to work out frame counts, which isn't always accurate. I'm not entirely sure how to fix it reliably either, short of parsing FAHlog.txt.
We should get Stanford/PandeGroup to cooperate better with the 3rd party devs.

But my views on that are known, so I'll leave it at this.
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Re: Time Cycle Mechanism

Post by Gerby19 »

uncle_fungus wrote: Both display styles should cycle at the same time.
Under Windows XP this isn't the case. As Francois already mentioned (BTW: Thanks for the tip), the clients must be refreshed to show the changed time display in the Work Unit Information panel. The ETA display changes right away (with key press).

Shall I report a bug in the bug tracker?
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Re: Time Cycle Mechanism

Post by uncle_fungus »

Gerby19 wrote:
uncle_fungus wrote: Both display styles should cycle at the same time.
Under Windows XP this isn't the case. As Francois already mentioned (BTW: Thanks for the tip), the clients must be refreshed to show the changed time display in the Work Unit Information panel. The ETA display changes right away (with key press).

Shall I report a bug in the bug tracker?
Yes please. It'll remind me that I need to fix it.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by [Fight]Gor »


After switching to the 2.3.2 version, I got the problem with monitoring of Mac OS clients. The ETAs shows normal values, but all the information in Work Unit Information section is screwed up and, subsequently, the PPD values are absent.

Is there a way to fix this?

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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by uncle_fungus »

[Fight]Gor wrote:Hi!

After switching to the 2.3.2 version, I got the problem with monitoring of Mac OS clients. The ETAs shows normal values, but all the information in Work Unit Information section is screwed up and, subsequently, the PPD values are absent.

Is there a way to fix this?

I can guess why, but I'll need a screenshot to confirm it please.
One other thing, are they Intel or PPC Macs (I'm guessing PPC).

Edit: If they are PPC Macs, could you email me one of your queue.dat files so I can test it? andrew_s {at} fahmon {dot} net
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by [Fight]Gor »

Yes, they all are PPC. Here is a screenshot.

Edit: Sent an e-mail with queue.dat
Last edited by [Fight]Gor on Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by uncle_fungus »

[Fight]Gor wrote:Yes, they all are PPC. Here is a screenshot.
Ah, looks like my porting of qd didn't quite work for endian swapped queues. I'll look into it.
For the moment I'd switch back for 2.3.1 if you need to monitor PPC Macs.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by uncle_fungus »

uncle_fungus wrote:
[Fight]Gor wrote:Yes, they all are PPC. Here is a screenshot.
Ah, looks like my porting of qd didn't quite work for endian swapped queues. I'll look into it.
For the moment I'd switch back for 2.3.1 if you need to monitor PPC Macs.
Ok I've worked out what the problem was, and it was just a simple typo.
I'll try and upload a fixed version later today.

Edit: Actually I'll wait a bit and try and fix a few other minor annoyances etc.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by Pette Broad »

I'm still seeing many crashes with 2.3.2, can't be sure but they look to be happening when several WU's complete in between the 5 minute refresh. I found that removing Agents not in use improves the situation somewhat. Still getting the problem that agents "lose" their location, seems to take random info out of the log file and place it where the location should be. I'm having to fix this between 2 and 10 times a day. May shift monitoring to another machine and see if there's any improvement.


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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by [Fight]Gor »

uncle_fungus wrote:Edit: Actually I'll wait a bit and try and fix a few other minor annoyances etc.
When can we expect an updated version?
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by uncle_fungus »

Probably sometime over the weekend, I hope.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by uncle_fungus »

FahMon 2.3.2a Released. Now with OS X Support!

FahMon 2.3.2a is now available for download. See the download page for details on how to get it.

For a comprehensive list of changes please view the changelog which is linked to from the home page and the download page.

What's new in this release:

* The endian-swap bug has been squashed so you can now monitor PPC Macs from Windows again.
* Several annoying Windows bugs have been squashed, so FahMon now restores it's frame state from the system tray and taskbar correctly.
* FahMon now runs on Mac OS X!

My thanks to several members of Team Mac OS X who helped test and debug the OS X verison.

Several translation updates were missed for this version, so if you notice missing translations whilst using FahMon and feel like updating them, send them along to me and I'll incorporate them into the builds on the website.

As always if you find any bugs in FahMon please report them using trac.

Now some eye-candy:
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by Mitsimonsta »

Anyone want to show what they have done with the HTML templates? Here's one I have done for OCAU - http://www.mitsimonsta.net/host/fahmon_ ... mplate.htm

Not saying it is the prettiest or the best, but a couple of our guys are using it and find it very useful.

I'd be interested to see what else people have come up with, or even templates that have some of my coding as a base and improve on it.

Speaking to Fungus, if we get enough of them, maybe a number of templates could be rolled into the next major release, either as-is or redesigned into generic (non-team) templates.
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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by Trotador »

Hi, I translated 2.3.1 to Spanish. Is there need for an updating ? Let me know.

best regards,

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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Post by ICE_9 »

Mitsimonsta wrote:Anyone want to show what they have done with the HTML templates? Here's one I have done for OCAU - http://www.mitsimonsta.net/host/fahmon_ ... mplate.htm

Not saying it is the prettiest or the best, but a couple of our guys are using it and find it very useful.

I'd be interested to see what else people have come up with, or even templates that have some of my coding as a base and improve on it.

Speaking to Fungus, if we get enough of them, maybe a number of templates could be rolled into the next major release, either as-is or redesigned into generic (non-team) templates.
A few of us have one setup with just iframes.


Not pretty to look at, but useful in its own way. Your link didn't work for me though. Might be work.

Team [H]ard OCP.
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