An incomplete diagnosis would seem to be the problem. The "types" of clients are explained at the bottom of the download page.
What are the different types of clients? The Consoles run in the background and are launched from a terminal window (command line), to which they output text messages about the simulation's progress. The Graphical client runs in the background and has a graphics window available that allows you to see the protein being simulated. The screensaver runs just like any other screensaver, except that it also runs our calculation in the background.
Feel free to suggest any additions to that language you think might help our poor misguided medical friends. Or maybe that paragraph should be moved up the page, now that the list of clients is so very long. I do see how that might get missed.
I agree with the CPU vs. GPU confusion, but "co-processor" is somewhat inaccurate. GPGPU is more accurate, less confusing, but just too much extra typing to say the same thing. And changing the name kinda kills the CPU and GPU naming symmetry.