Different Folder Set Up Confusion...

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Different Folder Set Up Confusion...

Post by ONE-OF-THREE »

Intel Core i7 920
nVidia GTX260
Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit

Hi again, sorry, but back with another question. :)

I am testing out my new "Beast of Burden" 8-) and have already been folding with both a GPU and one CPU uniprocessor client for a couple of days now with great success, and would like to now try using four uniprocessor clients, but am confused on how to download and set them up in the different folders.

So while I am sure you guys can easily explain on how to do this, but it would be much more easier for me to understand if someone knew of a video showing on how to do this, so that it could just kinda `talk` me through it, I would really appreciate it.:)

But if not, then could you let me know of a thread with lots of step-by-step pictures so that I hopefully do not make any mistakes, or at least any that are not easily fixed.:P

Thanks again for any help you can give a `technically-challenged` person such as myself. :lol:
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Re: Different Folder Set Up Confusion...

Post by DanGe »

There are two ways to do four uniprocessor clients:

The easiest method is to get 4 console clients or 1 systray + 3 console clients. Make a folder for each client (make sure it's not in C:\Program Files). Download the console client, extract the client, and put a copy into each folder. Follow this guide (http://folding.stanford.edu/English/WinUNIGuide#ntoc2) for each console client to configure it. But make sure that you assign each client a different Machine ID. Your existing CPU and GPU client already have a Machine ID, so take a note of what IDs those two have and do not use those two for the clients you are setting up. If you want to run the console clients in hidden in the background, configure the clients to install them as services (need admin privileges for this)

The hard method is to have 4 uniprocessor systray clients. For that, use this guide (http://folding.stanford.edu/English/WinGPUGuide#ntoc4), but make sure you modify it since it's actually for the GPU client.

Of course, you could get the SMP client to cover all four cores. But depending on how comfortable you are with running FAH, you might want to try that later since it's still in BETA.
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Re: Different Folder Set Up Confusion...

Post by bruce »

DanGe wrote:If you want to run the console clients in hidden in the background, configure the clients to install them as services (need admin privileges for this)
This is a fine idea but I don't recommend that you do it immediately. Go ahead and run with 4 CPU clients + 1 GPU client for a while and make sure you're happy with the results (just like you've already done with 1 CPU + 1 GPU). After a week or two of that, if you're pretty confident that you want to continue that way, reconfigure them as services and forget about them. In the meantime, get used to either totally ignoring the CPU clients or use one of the monitoring programs in our 3rd party forum.
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