Past 4% now. 26%.......FahMon say its 2605 (98 C351 G68) Thinking the RAM. Tracers get seriously hot and the forums are flooded with issues on these sticks. Running the AC has dropped the ambient down some serious degree's so maybe keeping the sticks a bit cooler. Issus is going away for a few days...
Having an issue getting the fold past 4%? Everything boots fine and I believe the PC is in good order. Here is the error. FahCore_a1.exe [557] general protection rip:4e8a17 rsp: 407fe430 error: 0 Anyone know what can be causing this????? Can't be a HD issues since that isn't being used. The RAM a f...
**** In my opinion, the slowest computer should be the fastest. What’s wrong?? I think you mean should be the slowest but regardless... you can run a second client on the Pentium D to increase production... and PPD will depend on the unit being processed.. the PPD varies between architectures, even...
In reading the forum, I see guys with thousands of PPD. The most I can get a computer to do is two or three hundred. What am I doing wrong??? The guys with the thousands of PPD are mostly running newer computers and now the GPU2 Client. I downloaded the Linux standalone program fold.iso and thought...
I'm sitting on my laptop at the moment. It doesn't have enough cooling to be able to run FAH. My desktop computer's hard drive died, and instead of it just standing there off-line I thought that it could run notfred's disk less folding while I wait for my new hard drive to arrive. It is standing in...
Thank you for your suggestion for formatting tool, but I'm running OpenSUSE 11 and I don't bother to run it through WINE so I used fdisk to format it to FAT32. I will test it tomorrow. Why does it get filled up? Is it the work units or the backup(s)? It gets filled up as the number of undeleted WUs...
512MB will work to run AND store backups on but I would recommend 1GB. Is it very high chance of running out of space with only a 512 MiB stick? Don't think I can afford a new one at the moment. It should be fine. I have one 256MB and it runs for weeks. They just fill up with stuff that doesn't get...
Hello I must shut down my computer for the night and I wondered how I then resume it afterwards? My uncle came on an unannounced visit and are staying over for the night so I have to shut down the computer (which is running notfred because of a defect harddrive). I know that I can go to the local I...
Has this WU been submitted? I was doing some reconfiguration of a few machines last night and found this "backup" floating around and have a feeling I never finished it. If someone can confirm whether or not it has been submitted, I will finish it off and send it in. Thanks Name: Protein i...
Greetings Adam , I wish I knew the results of that test, if it took place. (Linked in my post...) ... s=&t=48936 here's another link: That result (4 Million+ pts) was from just a few days... about 4 days I think...