Reset Team Information.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:17 am
I have been folding in my team ( I am the original founder) on and off for a few years.
I now want to update the picture that is used for the team, web address and name of the team. But I have completely forgotten the original username and password I have used for the team [As for emails I have so many I don’t know what one I used ] I have spoken to anther mod 7im and he suggested I come here. Is there anything that I can do so I can get my team username and password reset?
I now want to update the picture that is used for the team, web address and name of the team. But I have completely forgotten the original username and password I have used for the team [As for emails I have so many I don’t know what one I used ] I have spoken to anther mod 7im and he suggested I come here. Is there anything that I can do so I can get my team username and password reset?