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Why is my Active processor's not changing

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:30 am
by Kyledlindgren
Team folding@evga (111065)
Score 228412 (certificate)
Donator Rank 27325 of 1234580
WU 399 (certificate)
Date of last
work unit 2009-05-14 00:10:04
Active processors
(within 50 days) 3
Active processors
(within 7 days) 2

This number for the Active processors has been the same for weeks, I watched my CPU client all day and i did 4 WU today on it, and i also use a GPU client, Both have the same team and same user name i am not sure why i am not getting credit for it. Any suggestions?

Re: Why is my Active processor's not changing

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:53 am
by toTOW
It's normal ... you run two clients, each one count for one active CPU ... you have two active CPU over a week, which seems logical.

The active processors number don't change unless you add more machines to your username/teamnumber and it's how it is supposed to work. Active processor number is not affected by the number of WU you fold (but WU and point counts will get incremented).