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Length of wu

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:59 pm
by Barney599
I just completed my first wu and it took 3 days. My new wu inducated the first frame will complete in November 09. All 1500 frames will complete in eleven + years. Will this change or will I have to live into my 89th year. Charles Oldfield

Re: Length of wu

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:04 pm
by Barney599
The time just changed to 3 days. Is this the normal Way a new wu starts out? Sorry to ask a silly question.

Re: Length of wu

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:18 pm
by new08
It just takes the first frame to complete before a decent estimate for the whole WU can be given.
I use F@HSpy which shows extra data from the unit files and this should help you see the bigger picture.
You will have to config the utility by entering the folder for your F@H client[s].
There are other utils- if you look in Tools in the menu above.

Re: Length of wu

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:33 pm
by anandhanju
The Folding client needs to complete a few frames before the estimates become sensible. It is like estimating the total time for a journey when one has just rolled out of the driveway ;)

Re: Length of wu

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:44 am
by Barney599
Thank you for the help, as you can see I am new and groping for understanding. I will look through the tools. The program is running at 50% processor usage. Is this normal? Can I control the rate?

Re: Length of wu

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:55 am
by anandhanju
Does your system have a dual core processor? If yes, it would explain why you have CPU usage at 50% as the FAHCore (the part that does the science computations) occupies one core. In such a scenario, one can run two such clients, one per processor, to maximize their contribution. (The system I'm typing this on is running 2 clients.)

If you choose to, you can also set the % of CPU that is available to FAH (at it peak usage). Normally, changing this isn't necessary as FAH runs at least priority. However, if you feel your system responding slower, you can set it to around 95% in the configuration to make it much better.

P.S. Welcome to the Forum :)