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fahmon query

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:21 am
by YCDCN22
I installed fahmon at the weekend and it looks great, the only thing is that when it picks up my username it has only taken the first 2 characters, this means when i click on the username it takes me to my personal folding stats but because it has only picked up the first two characters it thinks i am new and have no points.

how do i correct this so it shows my full username and all my points.

hope that makes sense.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:35 pm
by 7im
What is your fah user name? Any special characters or punctuation?

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:29 pm
by YCDCN22
My username is YCDCN and only picks up on YC.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:54 pm
by bruce
YCDCN22 wrote:My username is YCDCN and only picks up on YC.
The stats show both a YCDCN and a YC have contributed to FAH, but they've contributed to different teams. Have you changed teams recently? If so, did you edit your client.cfg file rather than using the -config or the -configonly options?

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:47 am
by YCDCN22
I don't recall editing any settings, i may have setup YC inadvertantly when trying to setup. I did check the file that fahmon looks at and that shows YC, what do i need to edit to correct this?

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:59 am
by MtM
YCDCN22 wrote:I don't recall editing any settings, i may have setup YC inadvertantly when trying to setup. I did check the file that fahmon looks at and that shows YC, what do i need to edit to correct this?
Console client -> start with -configonly

Changes to non advanced options will be picked up when a new wu is started ( if you run -configonly when the client is running alongside, stop the client and run -config and it will take you to the configuration options again ).

Tray client -> right click, configure iirc.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:23 pm
by bruce
NOTE: If you change your username in the FAH client, the next WU uploaded will use the new information. I think that FahMon will still report the old information until you get a new WU.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:05 pm
by MtM
bruce wrote:NOTE: If you change your username in the FAH client, the next WU uploaded will use the new information. I think that FahMon will still report the old information until you get a new WU.
As fahMON uses the info from the queue file that's correct.

That's also why the current wu will still be uploaded with the old info, a> it's assigned to a donor/team machine id combo and it's bound to be uploaded under those as well to be considerd valid and b> that's why the info in the cfg file is not used to look up donor/team name in fahMon ( and I would go as far as saying in any good application ).

The cfg file isn't a good source of information for current processing, it's only read when a wu is started.

*edited for langauge mistakes, still contains my wrong interpretations which will be corrected below.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:33 pm
by bruce
No, the current WU is uploaded with the current data, no matter what FahMon says and no matter what was recorded in the queue.

Change your Username and restart with -oneunit. The credit will go to the new name. Change the name back and restart without -oneunit. The new UserName will never appear in the queue or in FahMon.

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:51 pm
by MtM
bruce wrote:No, the current WU is uploaded with the current data, no matter what FahMon says and no matter what was recorded in the queue.

Change your Username and restart with -oneunit. The credit will go to the new name. Change the name back and restart without -oneunit. The new UserName will never appear in the queue or in FahMon.
Huh.. And I need to edit my previous post as I again made a mistake. Has this always been the case or has it changed at some time?

This isn't nice info, now I need to change where I read the donor name and team, I think I made the wrong assumption about the info in the queue.dat being what's used when the unit is uploaded but I vaguely recall that being told to me on this forum some time ago.

Sorry for the wrong information ( and the abuse of the english language, think they don't appear that much out of sync, and I have been experiencing the wurst headache in ages and it's been going on the entire evening ).

Re: fahmon query

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:29 am
by YCDCN22

thanks for all of that.

Just to advise, in the client it has the correct info, i can't actually work out where fahmon got the wrong info from, it is still doing it and i am being credited correctly as i hit the 20,000 milestone recently.

Edited - i have just checked the stats for YC and that can't be me as they are folding for China Folding and i assume they are the persons initials, therefore how has my fahmon picked up their stats??????