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Duplicated names on the same team

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:43 am
by Adak
I'm writing a stats program for my team, but ran into a surprise:
Crakkerjax 104552 2428 32
Crakkerjax 10649 153 32
Crakkerjax 745 15 32
It's the same person AFAIK, but I thought this wasn't possible. These accounts are all inactive. Can FAH merge them back into one account, and are measures in place so that the daily_summary.txt will not include these same name on the same team, problem?

Re: Duplicated names on the same team

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:43 am
by metal03326
No, accounts can't be merged. Sorry.

Re: Duplicated names on the same team

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:43 pm
by MstrBlstr
Happens when the donor uses diff names. They may look the same, but they are not in reality.

Generally happens when they use an e-mail address as their donor name. Everything from the @ symbol on is removed for security/privacy issues.



Would all show as "Crakkerjax" in the stats pages. But they are not the same to the stats database, thus they are listed separately.

They can't be merged, as they are not truly the same account.

Most third party stats either list them separately as xxxx1, xxxx2, xxxx3. Or they combine them locally before displaying them, if they are sure it is the same donor.