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Deadlineless Server comeback? [no]
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:59 pm
by Gary480six
I know that the Deadlineless server has been offline for quite some time but........
I see that Stanford has a new 10 point Work Unit - p4121_villinwt_folded_Amber03_Native
With a Deadline = 32.00 days Final Deadline = 48.00 days Points = 10.00
Doesn't that seem like the perfect Work Unit to be on a revived Deadlineless server?
Think of how many part-time Folders we could bring back into production.
Re: Deadlineless Server comeback?
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:29 pm
by Pette Broad
Actually, one of the old servers 133 has never gone down, its just sitting there empty, presumably waiting for timeless units to be returned. Interesting idea though
Re: Deadlineless Server comeback?
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:42 pm
by 7im
Hello Gary480six, welcome to the forum. p4121 seems like an anomoly.
And in consideration of the latest developments with the project, (GPU, SMP, PS3) the current focus of F@h is more speed, not less speed. When a P3-450 MHz computer folding 8 hours a day can still make the deadlines of regular work units, there is even less of a need for timeless work units.
IMO, deadlineless work is not high on the F@h development list. Sorry.
Re: Deadlineless Server comeback?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:22 am
by bruce
According to huangx, p4121 (and p4122) are not ready for distribution yet. The points and the deadlines are often meaningless until the project is prepared for distribution.
See viewtopic.php?p=7023#p7023
Re: Deadlineless Server comeback?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:28 am
by Sahkuhnder
I had a 4121 issued back on the 8th. The only reason I noticed was that I had 10 points one update and thought it may be an EUE, but upon looking it turned out to be an actual 10 point WU. The system that got it was an old Prescott at 2.8 that did it in about a minute a frame.
Re: Deadlineless Server comeback?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:46 am
by bruce
Sahkuhnder wrote:I had a 4121 issued back on the 8th. The only reason I noticed was that I had 10 points one update and thought it may be an EUE, but upon looking it turned out to be an actual 10 point WU. The system that got it was an old Prescott at 2.8 that did it in about a minute a frame.
Well, about two hours on a 2.8 GHz machine should be about 10 points. I guess the points are not really that far from reality. Deadlines, however, are another matter. By the time the project is released, there's a pretty good chance that the duration of the run (and the associated points) will be changed.
This WU seems to have disappeared (as predicted).