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Download Multiple WUs

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:41 pm
by HenryP
I want to maintain two WUs on my computer so F@H does not have to wait for me to connect it to the internet when it finishes one. (I have dial-up and do not want any program to connect to the internet automatically.)

I understand F@H discourages downloading multiple WUs unless configured for "no-deadline" jobs; and I understand "no-deadline" jobs aren't always available. This seems a wast of available computing time. How important is it to avoid the two-day delay that downloading a second WU would cause?

I run the Command-Line version, and see no provision for downloading extra WUs. What is the best way to do this? I found "UD Monitor" in the Tools List on the forum, which is 3rd party software that should be able to do this. I suppose I could create multiple copies of "FAH504-Console" in multiple directories and manage them manually.

Re: Download Multiple WUs

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:16 pm
by 7im
Hello HenryP, welcome to the forum.

FAH does not currently support the caching of work units, and discourages the practice because it delays the science of the project. If you hold on to Generation 5 of a work unit, Generation 6 can not be sent out until Gen 5 is returned. If everyone caused a 2 day delay, in a project that needed 150 Generations, it would add close to a year of time to that project. I'm not sure the researcher whose project that is wants to wait an additional year to complete his/her work before graduating.

However, there is nothing to prevent you from running multiple clients, except maybe your desire to help the project as much as possible. ;)