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My suggestion or question

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:04 pm
by Crozz

I've a suggestion or question.

I like the pointsystem FAH uses, it makes you want to fight even more with it. But, if it had a secure system too, you create your own user and have a password to it. Its like register here and then set up your acc. Teams are more advanced but also the users. They use the same point system.
Also, you can get invites, talk in groups and you get to know people. It will look like a community or a game, collect points and be the best. That would get more people to use FAH I think. You probably know how I think ;)

BUT, this project is for helping science to understand proteins. And if they made this suggestion, they would lose time in fixing the server, and clients, right?

But it would be really nice with a new interface. What do you guys think? It would be like tribalwars and travian after a while :) People are both having a nice time and help science.

Thats all from me :wink:

Re: My suggestion or question

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:37 pm
by codysluder
The foldingforum has a challenge supporting the questions/answers from people having trouble with FAH. (I think that the older forum died partly because we exceeded the capacity of that forum.) Team activites are specifically excluded from this forum, but most of the teams have their own websites that support that sort of activity.

Your FAH username will eventually become secure if you use a passkey, but your userid/password on foldingforum is independent of that ID.