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Question about which clients i should run.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:40 pm
by Ascubal
My first post here, so go easy on me :ewink:

I am now folding with a laptop which has T7300 Intel CPU (Dual core), it runs the Uniprocessor client 6.23.
And the graphics card (8600 GS Mobile) runs the Nvidia GPU client.

Should i use a SMP client instead of the Uniprocessor client? If i should use the SMP client, should i still run the GPU client?

Also, i have desktops running folding @ home.

Desktop number 1: Intel E6600 CPU and Nvidia Geforece 8800 GTX. Same client setups as the laptop, Uniprocessor client and Nvidia GPU client.

Desktop number 2: Amd 5200 X2 and Ati Radeon 3850. Almost the same client setup. Uniprocessor client and the ATI GPU client.

EDIT: There is also a desktop computer number 3 here, but its only powered on during daytime, it has the Intel E6400 CPU, running the Uniprocessor client. Could this one use SMP client or would the computer be powered off for too long?

All running the newest versions, all computers running folding 24/7 with a few restarts now and then.. There is also good enough cooling, atleast at this side of year.

Any tips here? Like running SMP clients on anyone of the computers?

I would greatly appreciate any answears, and sorry for the bad english, im Norwegian and im much better at reading english then writing it, hehe :)

Re: Question about which clients i should run.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:26 pm
by jrweiss
If it runs successfully as you have it now, keep it like that. You may run into deadline problems with the SMP client on a laptop if you shut it down often.

For the desktops, you'll not likely get significantly more PPD with the SMP client, either. I'd keep them as they are.

Re: Question about which clients i should run.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:58 am
by Ascubal
I have no problems with any of theese clients now, or the computers.. The laptop folds 24/7, but i make sure it wont overheat.
Thanks for the reply :)