Page 1 of 2 gone into REJECT status

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:11 pm
by Teddy
Have several GPU proteins that can't return to this server.
Can someone have a look please?


Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:49 pm
by Cajun_Don
Folding@Home server status
Report initiated on Wed Jan 7 13:30:20 PST 2009. GPU vsp07v densign full Reject

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:05 am
by Drugless
Not in reject right now according to server status but I have several clients not able to get work GPU vsp07v vvoelz full Accepting 2.48 106 0 154 26815 12366 4 1.4 5939

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:41 am
by PeddlerOfFlesh
I'm in the same boat.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:54 am
by muttonhunter
i was in the same boat also, 11 tries to get work, until i clicked quit and restarted the gpu. I got a new wu right away.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:52 am
by dempaSD
Same problem for me, even after trying restart of clients.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:58 am
by Teddy
The server doesn't report as being busy but I have quite a few GPU clients trying to connect to 108.11 as well with little success.
Combine this with the summer heat hitting 38C today I have to question running the project when things get like this....


Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:45 am
by toTOW
I can't return my WU to 108.11 either.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:38 pm
by Xilikon
Another folder with the same problem :(

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:37 pm
by toTOW
The server is no longer in Reject mode ... GPU vsp07v vvoelz full Accepting

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:01 pm
by VijayPande
This server got reset automatically at 2:53am PST.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:24 pm
by toTOW
It's up, but is doesn't serve any WU ... :

Code: Select all

[15:18:59] Connecting to
[15:19:00] Posted data.
[15:19:00] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[15:19:00] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta
[15:19:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[15:19:00] Connecting to
[15:19:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[15:19:02] + Could not connect to Work Server
[15:19:02] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:20 pm
by dschief

still not accepting log file shows multiple failed upload attempts. This is as of 09:14 local California time.

To paraphrase Gov. Palin " If I stand on my roof, I can Almost see Stanford "

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:13 pm
by VijayPande
We're adding more WU's to that server (sorry, that was mentioned in another thread, but not here).

Re: gone into REJECT status

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:16 pm
by Teddy
Back into REJECT status again...

& its back, all units sent back to their owners..