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ATTN Mods.... links are broken

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:30 pm
by MoneyGuyBK
Go here:

The four links in this section all point back to the Forum's front page and not the numbered topics:
Or You can issue "rm -ifdr /tmp/fah" before you start another client:

2. If you copy one FAH directory to another, then either remove the "machineindependent.dat" files or change the MachineID value, so each "cloned" FAH client has a different MachineID value (maximum 8 of this kind of FAH client per box).
Note: If you remove the "machinedependent.dat" files, then there is no need to change MachineID values and you can run an unlimited number of FAH clients per box, but you still have to start the clients twice or use the "rm -ifdr /tmp/fah" to get them going. ... 5214#25214 ... 5764#25764
Just an FYI.


Re: ATTN Mods.... links are broken

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:33 pm
by MoneyGuyBK
There's actually more if you scroll down through the page.....
So if this is by design, forgive and delete the thread.


Re: ATTN Mods.... links are broken

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:48 am
by ChelseaOilman
All those links point to the old forum which doesn't exist anymore, so they're redirected here to the new forum.

Re: ATTN Mods.... links are broken

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:18 am
by MoneyGuyBK
I understand, Thanx Chelsea.
