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Project: 3680 (Run 7, Clone 1, Gen 11) - FILE_IO_ERROR

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:16 am
by Cprossu
got one of these on an Athlon64 2800+ rig (1gb ram, dedicated rig, Windows XP sp2 all patches downloaded, -verbosity 9 flag)

Code: Select all

# Windows Console Edition #####################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.00beta1



Launch directory: C:\Program Files\Folding@Home
Executable: C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\fah6-win-x86-console.exe
Arguments: -verbosity 9 

[02:01:03] - Ask before connecting: No
[02:01:03] - User name: Cprossu (Team 39605)
[02:01:03] - User ID: 9D384C31FC9B4F1
[02:01:03] - Machine ID: 1
[02:01:03] Loaded queue successfully.
[02:01:03] + Processing work unit
[02:01:03] Core required: FahCore_80.exe
[02:01:03] Core found.
[02:01:03] Working on Unit 09 [January 10 02:01:03]
[02:01:03] + Working ...
[02:01:03] - Calling 'FahCore_80.exe -dir work/ -suffix 09 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 1576 -version 600'

[02:01:03] - Autosending finished units...
[02:01:03] Trying to send all finished work units
[02:01:03] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[02:01:03] - Autosend completed
[02:01:05] *------------------------------*
[02:01:05] Folding@Home Gromacs SREM Core
[02:01:05] Version 1.02 (Dec 15, 2006)
[02:01:05] Preparing to commence simulation
[02:01:05] - Looking at optimizations...
[02:01:05] - Files status OK
[02:01:11] - Expanded 426777 -> 1981641 (decompressed 464.3 percent)
[02:01:11] Project: 3680 (Run 7, Clone 1, Gen 11)
[02:01:11] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[02:01:11] Entering M.D.
[02:01:31] 1 (decompressed 464.3 percent)
[02:01:31] Project: 3680 (Run 7, Clone 1, Gen 11)
[02:01:32] Entering M.D.
[02:01:52] (Starting from checkpoint)
[02:01:52] Protein: p3680_Seq11_Amber03_Extended
[02:01:52] Writing local files
[02:02:41] Size of work/wudata_09.pdo not what saved.
[02:02:41] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR