Project: 2669 (Run 17, Clone 49, Gen 20) - starts at 330%
Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:23 am
Now this is weird:
Is this just a reporting problem or is this WU messed up?
- Dave
Code: Select all
[15:07:28] + Processing work unit
[15:07:28] Core required: FahCore_a2.exe
[15:07:28] Core found.
[15:07:28] Working on Unit 07 [November 7 15:07:28]
[15:07:28] + Working ...
[15:07:28] - Calling './mpiexec -np 4 -host ./FahCore_a2.exe -dir work/ -suffix 07 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 5521 -version 602'
[15:07:28] *------------------------------*
[15:07:28] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[15:07:28] Version 2.01 (Wed Aug 13 13:11:25 PDT 2008)
[15:07:28] Preparing to commence simulation
[15:07:28] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[15:07:38] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[15:07:38] - Not checking prior termination.
[15:07:41] - Expanded 4836721 -> 23985345 (decompressed 495.9 percent)
[15:07:41] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=4836721 data_size=23985345, decompressed_data_size=23985345 diff=0
[15:07:41] - Digital signature verified
[15:07:41] Project: 2669 (Run 17, Clone 49, Gen 20)
[15:07:41] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[15:07:41] Entering M.D.
[15:07:47] Will resume from checkpoint file
[15:07:50] Resuming from checkpoint
[15:07:51] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=0000000003870650, varsize=573564
[15:07:51] fcSaveRestoreState: I/O failed dir=0, var=0000000003A1E4A0, varsize=573564
[15:07:51] Verified work/wudata_07.log
[15:07:51] Verified work/wudata_07.trr
[15:07:51] Verified work/wudata_07.xtc
[15:07:51] Verified work/wudata_07.edr
[15:07:51] Completed 825012 out of 250000 steps (330%)
[15:33:08] Completed 827502 out of 250000 steps (331%)
[15:58:31] Completed 830002 out of 250000 steps (332%)
[16:23:46] Completed 832502 out of 250000 steps (333%)
[16:49:07] Completed 835002 out of 250000 steps (334%)
[17:00:03] - Autosending finished units...
[17:00:03] Trying to send all finished work units
[17:00:03] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[17:00:03] - Autosend completed
[17:14:33] Completed 837502 out of 250000 steps (335%)
[17:39:50] Completed 840002 out of 250000 steps (336%)
[18:05:09] Completed 842502 out of 250000 steps (337%)
- Dave