I haven't emailed them yet but I think I can do that indeed. Their documentation is abit scarce, they mention 'if you start without parameters you will have to configure them... ' so they hint to there being command line options
You can try the installer from the link in post 1, that will install clients on your system based on your hardware, and configure them based on the guides and standard console settings. I just updated maxTray to be able to start and stop clients ( both console and service, though I haven't tested service ).
Ow and I forgot to turn of fw, so I had 2 clients just dl wu's which I can not finish ( or I would have to put my vm's offline which will mean I can't finish those in time I guess.. ) Sorry for that, I know that's the worst thing one can do for the project! If you want I can post pcrg for them so they can be 'reset' maybe?
I'm abit to tired to put up new screenshots
Most questions/room for improvement is if I had a list of supported ati cards which I could compare with the found hw, now it's just trying to see if it's hd2xxxx or up. And driverversions I can check, but I don't atm because I don't have an comprehensive list of which one's are good or not. If someone would create a list for those, both ati and nvidia I can compare installed drivers. Ow if someone feels like doing so, provide the driver version as reported by wmi please, ( for example for 177.84, or maybe should I just disregard the other sections? I'm more inclined to think Ati is more dependant on the right drivers anyway as with Nvidia they include CUDA in all release drivers? Though, I still usually tell people to get them from CUDA_GET )
Then, I was thinking since I already start/stop the clients and got their associated processes, I can also set affinities myself ( thought about using 3rd party lib since my first treis at this a long time back didn't work because I didn't have the right permission set. But I think I can get it working now, and if not I can ask someone to help I'm sure
Like I said I can also offer kind of an 'auto update' since the tray control also loads the webxml and can compare running/installed clients with the one's there.
I'm putting in the log parsing code, so I can track eue's and all their info, and I'm writing a vb class for qeueu.dat parsing so I can track some things through that as well.
Ow and what the best tests would be btw, is you who know how this works already treis to use it and break it! Try to find the weak spots and where things should be diffrent. I already changed some major flaws in the past day ( eg single core ht enabeld cpu's who got the option to install smp clients! ). And I need to probably take a core from the cpu's for each 2 gpu's or so on xp, but not sure? Those things would be nice to have answerd.
IT now only checks for the SMP Affinity changer software from nick4eva, and if installed offer a choiche to use one client per 2 or per 4 cores. I know that's probably not the intended PG way, so maybe I need to remove that. I think I will be using afc as external tool to set affinities for multiple clients ( smp+gpu combinations) and give a gui config option for the afc program.
Further, it is possible to connect to networkd windows boxes and remotly install folding on them so I might add that to maxTray.. I will add the parsing ect to it, and probably a deamon style remote control option at some time. And email notifications on client outages/eue rate to high ect.
I was writing some web services to collect eue data, but my host doesn't support asp.net so I put those aside for awhile