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[No] Team Advertising Area

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:20 am
by John37309
On your older forums that went missing, you guys had an area that was designated for "Team specific" stuff.

You have not built this area yet on this new forum.

I am involved in team related stuff on many distributed computing projects and to have a special section where teams can openly advertise there team is very important.

I fully agree that recruiting people to join teams can be annoying but banning it completely is not good either.

So i suggest that you guys create an area where teams can post a team recruitment message for there team. This area serves 5 main functions.
1. It allows the recruiter to feel that he has somewhere that he go to tell people about his team. That way he does not start recruiting in other forums.
2. If someone actually wants to find a team that is actively looking for members, there is a place they can go to find a good team.
3. It helps people to make new friends with similar interests.
4. I believe that teams and team recruiters are the life blood of distributed computing and they help to bring in new computing power to your project. Recruiters help spread the word about your project on the Internet.
5. People with team problems can come to that specific area for help! They might find the answer already posted there.

Please do re-open the "Team section".

{EDIT} Also the last team recruitment section was stuck down the bottom of the forum landing page like as if it was something bad to try to recruit people for your team. "Teams Section" should be in a prominent location on your forum landing page so new people will find it easier. People on an active team that has stuff to keep them occupied, are more likely to stay crunching your project longer before they get bored and quit. Teams are good for retaining members that quit your project soon after joining.

The section thats currently called "General FAH" is an approperiate place to put a forum called "Teams Section"

Help teams to help Folding@home. {EDIT}

John. :wink:

Re: Team Advertising Area

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:42 am
by toTOW
This forum is team neutral ... so you won't see any team section like in the old one.

The only thing you can do is do drop a link you signature ... but without any word saying "click here" or "join us" ...

Re: Team Advertising Area

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:19 pm
by v00d00
It wont happen as long as this forum is funded the way it is.

I quite enjoy not having the team section, and while there are way to many rules on this forum, it seems to be a much nicer place to hang, with less of the infighting of the old forum. I would happily compare it to the old seti@home forum, a fun place to go and help each other.

If you wish to setup a teams forum, please go ahead and do so. Maybe some sort of teams database, where each team can write a little about themselves, allowing people to choose based on similar interests. Im sure the admins might grant you a link to an external venture along those lines. But for now, the nearest you can get to team ads, is a sig banner saying who you fold for (or in my case, my team number and folding name, because loading banners sucks if you use a modem).

Re: Team Advertising Area

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:50 am
by John37309
Yes, that is all well and good saying that!

This section is called "Discussions of General-FAH topics". But there is a tonne of messages being posted here that are team related. So many that it justifies setting up an area just for teams. The area is for team help or advertising your team.

By the looks of things, currently people don't know where to go to post help messages about their team so they post it in this area. But that also means that because there is no "TEAM SECTION", people will regularly make the mistake of posting their message in the wrong place. Then moderators will end up deleting or moving the message which is just confusing for folks.

You cannot blindly say that this forum is team neutral. Of coarse its team neutral, but that does not mean that people don't want to talk about or discuss team stuff!

Teams help this peoject... Give them something in return!.... a place to chat about their team!

People who volunteer their computing time and effort to Folding@home should be given that small thing in return.


Re: Team Advertising Area

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:18 am
by v00d00
Team forums are for team discussions. is not.

Its simple, and maybe it will change down the line, but for now, dont hold your breath.

Re: Team Advertising Area

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:27 pm
by bruce
There will be no team recruiting threads at The team-oriented forum at the old forum used bandwidth that we're not prepared to pay for.

If you see team-oriented content (or any other content) that needs to be censored, feel free to contact one of the Mods and we'll look into it

Thread locked.