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How do you envisage the nanoworld?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:36 pm
by mutablematter
Hi! Just installed Folding@home and wondered how people imagine proteins, protein folding etc.? Do you imagine it like it is on the screen or does the image co-exist with other images that people have gained from laboratory work, for instance?

Angela :egeek:

Re: How do you envisage the nanoworld?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:27 pm
by castlebomb44
Well I would think that it would have to be surrounded in something. I would think that the substance would mostly likely be water.

Re: How do you envisage the nanoworld?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:58 pm
by sdack
The Wikipedia entry to folding has a pretty picture and it is how I imagine it. But at this level, far below the wavelength of visible light, it must be much prettier! Like a colourful rope made out of very tiny vibrating strings perhaps.

The next picture shows how scientists imagine these things on even lower levels, again it is from Wikipedia and it is from the entry to the string theory. 1-4 should be obvious and 5&6 show quarks and strings:

I should also mention that there is a competing project called Rosetta@Home that deals with prediction and design of protein structures, but they seem to be doing nothing but to produce pretty pictures ... :twisted: