Reliability and Trust of the FAH contributors
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:27 pm
Hi FAH team,
I've been reading a paper written by the PS3GRID group, another scientific group that tries to do science on the
PS3 and they speak of 'the extremely volatile on-grid-persistence of the average user', can de FAH team, as you must
no doubt have vast statistics on the subject, say anything about this based on your own experience with this project,
are we (contributors) also really so unreliable? An then more interestingly, can the award system be adapted to give
reliable clients (always return their WU's in time) more points?
Harm ten Napel
I've been reading a paper written by the PS3GRID group, another scientific group that tries to do science on the
PS3 and they speak of 'the extremely volatile on-grid-persistence of the average user', can de FAH team, as you must
no doubt have vast statistics on the subject, say anything about this based on your own experience with this project,
are we (contributors) also really so unreliable? An then more interestingly, can the award system be adapted to give
reliable clients (always return their WU's in time) more points?
Harm ten Napel