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help needed useing the graphical client start up

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:44 pm
by manneybandara
i use to have installed a graphical client that expired on aug 2nd. then i downloaded the new one a couple of weeks ago
but i need it to start up with my computer like it did with the old. i tried to go on control planel then select fah to run when the computer starts but it did't work for some reson.

sorry if this Q has be answered before i did a serach an could't find any threads about this. iam new here.

thanks in advanced


Re: help needed useing the graphical client start up

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:50 pm
by Astralon
Hm, pretty confusing...

What are you trying to achieve and what exactly are you doing with the control panel?
Which control panel applet are you using and what for?

Re: help needed useing the graphical client start up

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:30 pm
by manneybandara
ok, a while a back i downloaded a graphical client iam not sure what version it was, but it expired on 2nd aug.

then a couple of weeks ago i downloaded the new client.

On my old client when my computer starts the fah application starts with it. however on this new client fah dos't start automaticly when the computers starts i have to manualy click on the fah icon the start it.

i tried to solve this issue by going to control planel and going into "scheduled tasks" and setting it to run the folding application when my computer starts. but this did not help i still have the open the client manualy

i need the folding applcation to open and run it self when my computer starts without me doing anything to it.

hope that clears things up. sorry about the confusion

Re: help needed useing the graphical client start up

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:01 pm
by rpmouton
Edited for clarity...

If you click on the windows start button, then programs then right click on the startup folder and select open you will get a window opened with your startup programs in it. Then you can right click on the icon you are using to run FAH, drag it into the startup window you opened previously select create shortcut (or make copy). This will create a shortcut in the startup menu that will run upon startup.

Good luck,

Re: help needed useing the graphical client start up

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:01 pm
by manneybandara
thanks i will try this when i get my computer back. i put my computer for repair i hopefully will back by monday will tell you how it goes