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Questions and suggestions about the Client Statistics page

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:31 pm
by s12a

I have a question regarding the Client OS Statistics page: when exactly does it get updated, or better: what does it take for it to get updated? From what I've seen so far, the process doesn't seem to be totally automatic, as the time between each update happens to vary erratically (often it's one day, sometimes and recently two days, on some case even three days or more). Could it be updated, for example, twice a day (if it could that would be very nice) or are there technical constraints which prevent this?

Also, could an OS statistics archive be implemented? I don't think the load on the database/system, even after many months or even years of logging, wouldn't be as heavy as daily Team/Donor list files and statistics pages, and it would be helpful to people who just started collecting data, missed or forgot one or two days, etc. Even a two weeks backlog would be welcome.

Re: Questions and suggestions about the Client Statistics page

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:47 pm
by VijayPande
It gets updated every morning at 6am Pacific time, except if there's a big load on the stats system at that time.

An archive is a nice idea and we've thought about that. Others in the forum keep an informal archive.

Re: Questions and suggestions about the Client Statistics page

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:40 am
by s12a
Thanks for your reply (and sorry for my slow one).
I am one of those who keep archive of client statistics (and often create charts from this data).
By the way, recently the stats page gets updated only once every two days.
Is this done on purpose or does the system have load issues at the moment?

Re: Questions and suggestions about the Client Statistics page

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:31 pm
by PlayLoud
Here's another vote for an official archive!

Re: Questions and suggestions about the Client Statistics page

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:26 pm
by Mavrisa
And another vote for an official archive. It says DB date, which I'm assuming stands for Database date, but I haven't been able to find any database, just requests for one. I guess it turns out I'm not THAT weird for collecting stats:P

I decided to start up a page with statistics on it. If you want to use them, go right ahead, but better yet, if you could add to the existing statistics, that would be great. URL : I think it needs more work...