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[GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:18 am
by Netspider

I'm working on some algorithms that are calculated on the GPU (using Brook, Cuda, ...).
My problem is that my application is still slower than the CPU version I'm comparing it with.
Can someone give me general hints how I could get my application faster (apart from buying a new GPU ;) ) ?
If you need more information, just ask :)

Bye, Ronny

Linux x86
NVidia Geforce 7900GTX
2.4GHz Core2Duo

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:25 am
by John Naylor
Part of the problem is that CUDA only runs on G80-based or later cards (geforce 8 series, 9 series, GTX200 series, any quadro variants based on these, or tesla) , so the CUDA code will not be running on your 7900GTX. Even a lower-end geforce 8 series card should give you a speed boost over what you currently have, because it would be able to run the optimised CUDA code. The current speed you see will not be representative of the speed your application should be running at, unfortunately.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:18 pm
by Netspider
Thanks for your answer :)
ok, for CUDA that's true, but Brook runs on my GPU without a problem.
I'll see if I can get a newer GPU then

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:45 am
by Lgringo
you might consider the ASUS EN9600GSO 9600 GSO 384MB 192-bit GDDR3 card. it's currently bending proteins @4600PPD in my 3-year old Gateway dual 2.8Ghz Pentium running XP SP3 with a 300 watt PSU. i got it from the egg, don't know who else is selling it currently, $100 - a $20 mail-in-rebate. the egg also has a GDDR2 version with slower clocks & narrower memory i/f for the same price, so don't buy it. Happy Trails.
P.S. don't use the drivers on the CD, get the current version from NVIDIA.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:15 am
by BrownBullhead
Lgringo: I am considering purchasing the ASUS EN9600GSO 9600 GSO 384MB 192-bit GDDR3 card.

My machine is an Acer ASE700-EQ661A, featuring Intel QuadCore Q6600 @ 2.40 GHz, stock speed, with 2 GB DDR2 RAM PC5300 @ 667 MHZ. My O/S is Windows Vista 32-Bit Home Premium. My Power Supply Unit is also stock @ 300 watts.

Currently I run 2 × SMP 6.22, achieving 2200 PPD total.

If I purchased the EN9600GSO, would I stop running *both* SMP, and run the GPU2 exclusively? Do you think I could run one SMP for about 1000 PPD, and the EN9600GSO for 4600 PPD (like you achieved), and get total of 5600 PPD?

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:29 am
by Lgringo
I guess you'd have to experiment to verify that you could run the GPU client (set prioity=low) and the SMP client (set priority=idle) and still make the SMP deadline. Others can likely give you specific reccommendations from actual experience, but I've seen several posts where a quad was running a GPU & SMP client. Since my box just has 2.8 Ghz Pentium D's, I may not even be driving the GSO card at full tilt. I say that because if I try to run a single CPU client along with the GPU client, my PPD total for both clients drops by about 800 below the GPU client alone . With a Q6600 core driving it, you might see a few more points, like about 5,000 on the GPU client alone. Good Luck & Happy Trails!

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:30 am
by BrownBullhead
Lgringo: I just purchased the Asus EN9600GSO TOP/HTDP/384M 9600GSO 384 M GDDR3 PCI- E Video Card from PC Village Online (Canadian Retailer). My cost was $114.95 CDN, add $6.25 CDN Federal Tax @ 5%, and $9.99 CDN for shipping (total of $131.19 CDN).

Deduct about 5% to convert to USA Dollars.

The vendor site says there is a $20 US MIR (mail-in rebate) so my cost will end up being just under $100 US. Not quite $70 as referenced in another thread, but NewEgg doesn't ship to Canada as of yet. Also, ordering from Canada vendor should alleviate any cross border shipping delays, and in fact my item *should* get here quicker.

I will report my experiences after installing the card. From the reading I've done, it seems as though 1 × SMP + 1 × GPU2 will be the optimal configuration for my setup.

Your reports of running this card on a 300 watt PSU (power supply unit) are what tweaked my interests to begin with! Thank you.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:33 pm
by Lgringo
You're more than welcome, of course. Forgot to mention that I'm running the console version of the GPU client, FWIW, though it probably doesn't make much difference which one you run. Keep us up-to-date.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:14 am
by BrownBullhead
I had a whale of a time getting setup here today.

1. I didn't know I had to hook 2 × 4-pin to the 6-pin bridge cable;
2. My 300-Watt PSU wasn't cutting it; 20+ blue screen of death, etc.;
3. I went and bought a 500-watt PSU tonight, installed immediately after arriving home;

I am now achieving 5000+ PPD, but wasn't expecting to spend $100 to upgrade the PSU. Oh well.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:36 am
by Lgringo
BrownBullhead wrote:I am now achieving 5000+ PPD, but wasn't expecting to spend $100 to upgrade the PSU. Oh well.
I agree, that's underwhelming; maybe the quad draws a lot more power than my old Pentium D; don't have any personal experience on that. FWIW, I'm getting circa 200 PPD more since I OC'd a little more using RivaTuner 2.09; currently running stable for 2 days at core clock 720, shader 1782, memory clock 945. Just out of curiosity, did the original PSU have a sticker that gave its rating, or do you know for sure that it's 300 watts?

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:16 am
by BrownBullhead
Actually, experience in two hours of running 1 × SMP + 1 × GPU, results in 4800 PPD (prorated, of course). If one were going strictly for points on my setup, it would seem more advtangeous to run the GPU alone. I want to help the science as well as get points, so I will continue to run 1 × SMP + 1 × GPU unless I notice less than say, 4500 PPD. Previously, I got 2200 PPD running 2 × SMP, with no GPU.

I checked the box for the card, and it shows as "minimum power supply = 400 watts", which I didn't see on even the manufacturer's site. :(

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:14 am
by BrownBullhead
LGringo: I forgot to answer your one question; yes, the stock PSU by LiteOn did indeed specify 300 watts on the label(s).

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:29 pm
by Pain
I have the same setup as you BrownBullHead, or same computer I should say, I'm currently running a ATI 128mb card, I think the x900xt or something and am looking to upgrade to the ATI HD4870. But I never thought about the power supply being lacking. Where did you get that 500psu and what brand is it, I would like to just get the same thing you did so I know i can just plug and play.

And I think its true, I am not savvy enough to know or even mess around with PPD's, but I am almost positive that this quad core eats more power that my dual core and my other 2 2.0 Ghz pc's combined. I am estimating that my monthly power consumption is up about 20-40 dollars since I bought this PC last year. So much so that I am finally turning it off every night now. I will know in a 2 weeks how much difference that makes. (when the next hydro bill comes) LOL.

But thanks for this thread, I might not have otherwise known about the PSU lacking. Plus I guess I'll pick up an additional 2 GIG of RAM and max this unit out.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:40 pm
by BrownBullhead
Pain: My new PSU is a 500-watt from FutureShop. They were sold out of 700-watt at FS and BestBuy. The brand is "DYNEX" and I overpaid for it (you can look on their site) but I had bought card without knowing the PSU needed more "juice" and it was a late evening purchase and did not feel like waiting two weeks for a PSU from online retailers.

Re: [GPGPU] how to increase speed?

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:21 am
by Pain
Ah thanks. It will go a long way for me to get ready for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. Also maybe one day, you can explain what a PPD is to me. And since we have identical rigs, what benefit I will see for high end gaming if any.
