Projects 1822[2,3] on full FAH
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:05 pm
[GPU] p18222 – Studies on Apolipoprotein E2(Serine), a variant of ApoE2 used in some wet lab experiments to facilitate chemical modification of the protein. These simulations will inform us the validity of the experimental mutation and inform any potential differences between experiment and simulation -
[GPU] p18223 – Studies on Apolipoprotein E3Christchurch(Serine), a variant of ApoE3Christchurch used in some wet lab experiments to facilitate chemical modification of the protein. These simulations will inform us the validity of the experimental mutation and inform any potential differences between experiment and simulation -
Code: Select all
<project type="OPENMM_23" id="18222">
<stats-credit v="67168"/>
<deadline v="5"/>
Code: Select all
<project type="OPENMM_23" id="18223">
<stats-credit v="67168"/>
<deadline v="5"/>