v8.3.5 No points or WUs getting credited
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:34 am
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0 active clients within 50 days
6,443,983,079 points earned
103,890 WUs completed
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0 points (0.0%)
0 WUs (0.0%)
0 points earned
0 WUs completed
Active Clients
0 active clients within 7 days
0 active clients within 50 days
6,443,983,079 points earned
103,890 WUs completed
Your Contribution
0 points (0.0%)
0 WUs (0.0%)
Code: Select all
20:21:59:I1:WU7:Requesting WU assignment for user [EV]Tesla team 104636
20:21:59:I3:Connecting to highland4.seas.upenn.edu:443
20:21:59:I3:Connecting to assign1.foldingathome.org:443
20:21:59:I1:OUT3:> POST https://highland4.seas.upenn.edu/api/results HTTP/1.1
20:21:59:I1:OUT4:> POST https://assign1.foldingathome.org/api/assign HTTP/1.1
20:21:59:I1:OUT4:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:21:59:I1:WU7:Received WU assignment -zEo3DJcKMnrD4Iw7oviVbAVCYokgEVWpuTIu8LNbSs
20:21:59:I1:WU7:Downloading WU
20:22:00:I3:Connecting to fah1.innovatr.ca:443
20:22:00:I1:OUT5:> POST https://fah1.innovatr.ca/api/assign HTTP/1.1
20:22:00:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 27% 8.64MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:02:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 41% 12.97MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:03:I1:WU7:DOWNLOAD 20% 6.80MiB of 33.37MiB
20:22:03:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 55% 17.31MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:04:I1:WU7:DOWNLOAD 47% 15.78MiB of 33.37MiB
20:22:04:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 68% 21.65MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:05:I1:WU7:DOWNLOAD 68% 22.74MiB of 33.37MiB
20:22:05:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 82% 25.93MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:06:I1:WU7:DOWNLOAD 90% 30.13MiB of 33.37MiB
20:22:06:I1:OUT5:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:22:07:I1:WU7:Received WU
20:22:07:I1:WU6:UPLOAD 90% 28.71MiB of 31.75MiB
20:22:07:I3:WU7:Running FahCore: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-23/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-23-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23 -dir -zEo3DJcKMnrD4Iw7oviVbAVCYokgEVWpuTIu8LNbSs -suffix 01 -version 8.3.5 -lifeline 5468 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
20:22:07:I3:WU7:Started FahCore on PID 5638
20:22:08:I1:WU7:*********************** Log Started 2024-04-21T20:22:07Z ***********************
20:22:08:I1:WU7:*************************** Core23 Folding@home Core ***************************
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Core: Core23
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Type: 0x23
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Version: 8.0.3
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Copyright: 2022 foldingathome.org
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Date: Aug 3 2023
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Time: 08:28:22
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Revision: 199cb870317d05441d0a301287d9ef61254fa32b
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Branch: HEAD
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.0.0\""
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Bits: 64
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Mode: Release
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Maintainers: John Chodera <john.chodera@choderalab.org> and Peter Eastman
20:22:08:I1:WU7: <peastman@stanford.edu>
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Args: -dir -zEo3DJcKMnrD4Iw7oviVbAVCYokgEVWpuTIu8LNbSs -suffix 01
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -version 8.3.5 -lifeline 5468 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
20:22:08:I1:WU7:************************************ libFAH ************************************
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Date: Aug 3 2023
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Time: 08:27:48
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Revision: 112c2234abe20611a05652defc3c7f854cbf927f
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Branch: HEAD
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Bits: 64
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Mode: Release
20:22:08:I1:WU7:************************************ CBang *************************************
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Version: 1.7.2
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2023
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Homepage: https://cauldrondevelopment.com/
20:22:08:I1:WU7: License: GPL 2+
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Date: Aug 3 2023
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Time: 08:27:30
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Revision: eae4b58965bdd4d54ea9eb77972674352b37a547
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Branch: HEAD
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
20:22:08:I1:WU7: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie -fPIC
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Bits: 64
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Mode: Release
20:22:08:I1:WU7:************************************ System ************************************
20:22:08:I1:WU7: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU X 980 @ 3.33GHz
20:22:08:I1:WU7: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2
20:22:08:I1:WU7: CPUs: 12
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Memory: 11.66GiB
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Free Memory: 6.52GiB
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
20:22:08:I1:WU7: OS Version: 6.5
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Has Battery: false
20:22:08:I1:WU7: On Battery: false
20:22:08:I1:WU7: UTC Offset: -7
20:22:08:I1:WU7: PID: 5638
20:22:08:I1:WU7: CWD: /var/lib/fah-client/work
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Exec: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-23/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-23-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23
20:22:08:I1:WU7:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Version: 8.0.0
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Project: 12297 (Run 6, Clone 0, Gen 108)
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Reading tar file core.xml
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Reading tar file integrator.xml
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Digital signatures verified
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Folding@home GPU Core23 Folding@home Core
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Version 8.0.3
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Checkpoint write interval: 25000 steps (2%) [50 total]
20:22:08:I1:WU7: JSON viewer frame write interval: 12500 steps (1%) [100 total]
20:22:08:I1:WU7: XTC frame write interval: 25000 steps (2%) [50 total]
20:22:08:I1:WU7: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
20:22:08:I1:WU7:There are 4 platforms available.
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Platform 0: Reference
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Platform 1: CPU
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Platform 2: OpenCL
20:22:08:I1:WU7: opencl-device 0 specified
20:22:08:I1:WU7:Platform 3: CUDA
20:22:08:I1:WU7: cuda-device 0 specified
20:22:11:I1:OUT3:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:22:24:I1:WU7:Attempting to create CUDA context:
20:22:24:I1:WU7: Configuring platform CUDA
20:22:42:I1:WU7: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: DeviceIndex: 0
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: Vendor: 0x10de
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: PCI: 03:00:00
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: Compute: 8.9
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: Driver: 12.4
20:22:42:I1:WU7: GPU info: GPU: true
20:22:42:I1:WU7:Completed 0 out of 1250000 steps (0%)
20:22:48:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 0
20:23:25:I1:WU7:Completed 12500 out of 1250000 steps (1%)
20:24:03:I1:WU7:Completed 25000 out of 1250000 steps (2%)
20:24:09:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 25000
20:24:47:I1:WU7:Completed 37500 out of 1250000 steps (3%)
20:25:24:I1:WU7:Completed 50000 out of 1250000 steps (4%)
20:25:30:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 50000
20:26:08:I1:WU7:Completed 62500 out of 1250000 steps (5%)
20:26:45:I1:WU7:Completed 75000 out of 1250000 steps (6%)
20:26:51:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 75000
20:27:29:I1:WU7:Completed 87500 out of 1250000 steps (7%)
20:28:06:I1:WU7:Completed 100000 out of 1250000 steps (8%)
20:28:12:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 100000
20:28:50:I1:WU7:Completed 112500 out of 1250000 steps (9%)
20:29:27:I1:WU7:Completed 125000 out of 1250000 steps (10%)
20:29:33:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 125000
20:30:11:I1:WU7:Completed 137500 out of 1250000 steps (11%)
20:30:48:I1:WU7:Completed 150000 out of 1250000 steps (12%)
20:30:54:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 150000
20:31:31:I1:WU7:Completed 162500 out of 1250000 steps (13%)
20:32:09:I1:WU7:Completed 175000 out of 1250000 steps (14%)
20:32:15:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 175000
20:32:52:I1:WU7:Completed 187500 out of 1250000 steps (15%)
20:33:30:I1:WU7:Completed 200000 out of 1250000 steps (16%)
20:33:36:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 200000
20:34:13:I1:WU7:Completed 212500 out of 1250000 steps (17%)
20:34:50:I1:WU7:Completed 225000 out of 1250000 steps (18%)
20:34:57:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 225000
20:35:34:I1:WU7:Completed 237500 out of 1250000 steps (19%)
20:36:11:I1:WU7:Completed 250000 out of 1250000 steps (20%)
20:36:18:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
20:36:55:I1:WU7:Completed 262500 out of 1250000 steps (21%)
20:37:32:I1:WU7:Completed 275000 out of 1250000 steps (22%)
20:37:39:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 275000
20:38:16:I1:WU7:Completed 287500 out of 1250000 steps (23%)
20:38:54:I1:WU7:Completed 300000 out of 1250000 steps (24%)
20:39:00:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 300000
20:39:37:I1:WU7:Completed 312500 out of 1250000 steps (25%)
20:40:15:I1:WU7:Completed 325000 out of 1250000 steps (26%)
20:40:21:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 325000
20:40:58:I1:WU7:Completed 337500 out of 1250000 steps (27%)
20:41:36:I1:WU7:Completed 350000 out of 1250000 steps (28%)
20:41:42:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 350000
20:42:19:I1:WU7:Completed 362500 out of 1250000 steps (29%)
20:42:57:I1:WU7:Completed 375000 out of 1250000 steps (30%)
20:43:03:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 375000
20:43:40:I1:WU7:Completed 387500 out of 1250000 steps (31%)
20:44:18:I1:WU7:Completed 400000 out of 1250000 steps (32%)
20:44:24:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 400000
20:45:01:I1:WU7:Completed 412500 out of 1250000 steps (33%)
20:45:39:I1:WU7:Completed 425000 out of 1250000 steps (34%)
20:45:45:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 425000
20:46:22:I1:WU7:Completed 437500 out of 1250000 steps (35%)
20:47:00:I1:WU7:Completed 450000 out of 1250000 steps (36%)
20:47:06:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 450000
20:47:43:I1:WU7:Completed 462500 out of 1250000 steps (37%)
20:48:21:I1:WU7:Completed 475000 out of 1250000 steps (38%)
20:48:27:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 475000
20:49:04:I1:WU7:Completed 487500 out of 1250000 steps (39%)
20:49:42:I1:WU7:Completed 500000 out of 1250000 steps (40%)
20:49:48:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
20:50:25:I1:WU7:Completed 512500 out of 1250000 steps (41%)
20:51:04:I1:WU7:Completed 525000 out of 1250000 steps (42%)
20:51:10:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 525000
20:51:48:I1:WU7:Completed 537500 out of 1250000 steps (43%)
20:52:26:I1:WU7:Completed 550000 out of 1250000 steps (44%)
20:52:32:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 550000
20:53:11:I1:WU7:Completed 562500 out of 1250000 steps (45%)
20:53:49:I1:WU7:Completed 575000 out of 1250000 steps (46%)
20:53:55:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 575000
20:54:34:I1:WU7:Completed 587500 out of 1250000 steps (47%)
20:55:12:I1:WU7:Completed 600000 out of 1250000 steps (48%)
20:55:18:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 600000
20:55:56:I1:WU7:Completed 612500 out of 1250000 steps (49%)
20:56:34:I1:WU7:Completed 625000 out of 1250000 steps (50%)
20:56:41:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 625000
20:57:19:I1:WU7:Completed 637500 out of 1250000 steps (51%)
20:57:57:I1:WU7:Completed 650000 out of 1250000 steps (52%)
20:58:04:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 650000
20:58:42:I1:WU7:Completed 662500 out of 1250000 steps (53%)
20:59:20:I1:WU7:Completed 675000 out of 1250000 steps (54%)
20:59:26:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 675000
21:00:05:I1:WU7:Completed 687500 out of 1250000 steps (55%)
21:00:43:I1:WU7:Completed 700000 out of 1250000 steps (56%)
21:00:49:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 700000
21:01:27:I1:WU7:Completed 712500 out of 1250000 steps (57%)
21:02:06:I1:WU7:Completed 725000 out of 1250000 steps (58%)
21:02:12:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 725000
21:02:50:I1:WU7:Completed 737500 out of 1250000 steps (59%)
21:03:28:I1:WU7:Completed 750000 out of 1250000 steps (60%)
21:03:34:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 750000
21:04:13:I1:WU7:Completed 762500 out of 1250000 steps (61%)
21:04:51:I1:WU7:Completed 775000 out of 1250000 steps (62%)
21:04:57:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 775000
21:05:36:I1:WU7:Completed 787500 out of 1250000 steps (63%)
21:06:14:I1:WU7:Completed 800000 out of 1250000 steps (64%)
21:06:20:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 800000
21:06:58:I1:WU7:Completed 812500 out of 1250000 steps (65%)
21:07:37:I1:WU7:Completed 825000 out of 1250000 steps (66%)
21:07:43:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 825000
21:08:21:I1:WU7:Completed 837500 out of 1250000 steps (67%)
21:08:59:I1:WU7:Completed 850000 out of 1250000 steps (68%)
21:09:05:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 850000
21:09:44:I1:WU7:Completed 862500 out of 1250000 steps (69%)
21:10:22:I1:WU7:Completed 875000 out of 1250000 steps (70%)
21:10:28:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 875000
21:11:07:I1:WU7:Completed 887500 out of 1250000 steps (71%)
21:11:45:I1:WU7:Completed 900000 out of 1250000 steps (72%)
21:11:51:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 900000
21:12:29:I1:WU7:Completed 912500 out of 1250000 steps (73%)
21:13:08:I1:WU7:Completed 925000 out of 1250000 steps (74%)
21:13:14:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 925000
21:13:52:I1:WU7:Completed 937500 out of 1250000 steps (75%)
21:14:30:I1:WU7:Completed 950000 out of 1250000 steps (76%)
21:14:36:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 950000
21:15:15:I1:WU7:Completed 962500 out of 1250000 steps (77%)
21:15:53:I1:WU7:Completed 975000 out of 1250000 steps (78%)
21:15:59:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 975000
21:16:38:I1:WU7:Completed 987500 out of 1250000 steps (79%)
21:17:16:I1:WU7:Completed 1000000 out of 1250000 steps (80%)
21:17:22:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1000000
21:18:01:I1:WU7:Completed 1012500 out of 1250000 steps (81%)
21:18:39:I1:WU7:Completed 1025000 out of 1250000 steps (82%)
21:18:45:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1025000
21:19:23:I1:WU7:Completed 1037500 out of 1250000 steps (83%)
21:20:01:I1:WU7:Completed 1050000 out of 1250000 steps (84%)
21:20:08:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1050000
21:20:46:I1:WU7:Completed 1062500 out of 1250000 steps (85%)
21:21:24:I1:WU7:Completed 1075000 out of 1250000 steps (86%)
21:21:30:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1075000
21:22:09:I1:WU7:Completed 1087500 out of 1250000 steps (87%)
21:22:46:I1:WU7:Completed 1100000 out of 1250000 steps (88%)
21:22:53:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1100000
21:23:30:I1:WU7:Completed 1112500 out of 1250000 steps (89%)
21:24:08:I1:WU7:Completed 1125000 out of 1250000 steps (90%)
21:24:14:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1125000
21:24:51:I1:WU7:Completed 1137500 out of 1250000 steps (91%)
21:25:29:I1:WU7:Completed 1150000 out of 1250000 steps (92%)
21:25:35:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1150000
21:26:13:I1:WU7:Completed 1162500 out of 1250000 steps (93%)
21:26:51:I1:WU7:Completed 1175000 out of 1250000 steps (94%)
21:26:57:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1175000
21:27:35:I1:WU7:Completed 1187500 out of 1250000 steps (95%)
21:28:13:I1:WU7:Completed 1200000 out of 1250000 steps (96%)
21:28:19:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1200000
21:28:56:I1:WU7:Completed 1212500 out of 1250000 steps (97%)
21:29:34:I1:WU7:Completed 1225000 out of 1250000 steps (98%)
21:29:40:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1225000
21:30:17:I1:WU7:Completed 1237500 out of 1250000 steps (99%)
21:30:55:I1:WU7:Completed 1250000 out of 1250000 steps (100%)
21:30:55:I1:WU7:Average performance: 116.757 ns/day
21:31:01:I1:WU7:Checkpoint completed at step 1250000
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file ../logfile_01.txt
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file positions.xtc
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file science.log
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Saving result file xtcAtoms.csv.bz2
21:31:12:I1:WU7:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
21:31:13:I1:WU7:Core returned FINISHED_UNIT (100)
21:31:14:I1:Default:Added new work unit: cpus:0 gpus:gpu:03:00:00
21:31:14:I1:WU7:Uploading WU results
21:31:14:I1:WU8:Requesting WU assignment for user [EV]Tesla team 104636
21:31:14:I3:Connecting to fah1.innovatr.ca:443
21:31:14:I3:Connecting to assign2.foldingathome.org:443
21:31:14:I1:OUT6:> POST https://fah1.innovatr.ca/api/results HTTP/1.1
21:31:14:I1:OUT7:> POST https://assign2.foldingathome.org/api/assign HTTP/1.1
21:31:15:I1:OUT7:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:31:15:I1:WU8:Received WU assignment knLbGnY2371si9mK2XKmUBy6NHNZIQ9SnenM2jhnIRk
21:31:15:I1:WU8:Downloading WU
21:31:15:I3:Connecting to highland3.seas.upenn.edu:443
21:31:15:I1:OUT8:> POST https://highland3.seas.upenn.edu/api/assign HTTP/1.1
21:31:16:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 12% 3.64MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:17:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 20% 6.18MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:18:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 29% 8.73MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:19:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 35% 10.65MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:19:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 1% 421.52KiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:20:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 2% 811.22KiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:21:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 41% 12.57MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:21:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 4% 1.26MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:22:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 45% 13.81MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:22:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 6% 1.86MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:23:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 50% 15.11MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:23:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 8% 2.54MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:24:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 54% 16.35MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:24:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 11% 3.34MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:25:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 60% 18.21MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:26:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 14% 4.46MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:26:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 64% 19.51MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:27:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 20% 6.28MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:28:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 29% 9.09MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:28:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 70% 21.37MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:29:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 42% 13.11MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:29:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 76% 23.23MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:30:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 60% 18.67MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:30:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 82% 25.09MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:31:I1:WU8:DOWNLOAD 83% 25.79MiB of 31.23MiB
21:31:31:I1:OUT8:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:31:32:I1:WU8:Received WU
21:31:32:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 89% 27.01MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:32:I3:WU8:Running FahCore: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-23/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-23-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23 -dir knLbGnY2371si9mK2XKmUBy6NHNZIQ9SnenM2jhnIRk -suffix 01 -version 8.3.5 -lifeline 5468 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
21:31:32:I3:WU8:Started FahCore on PID 5975
21:31:33:I1:WU8:*********************** Log Started 2024-04-21T21:31:32Z ***********************
21:31:33:I1:WU8:*************************** Core23 Folding@home Core ***************************
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Core: Core23
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Type: 0x23
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Version: 8.0.3
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Copyright: 2022 foldingathome.org
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Date: Aug 3 2023
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Time: 08:28:22
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Revision: 199cb870317d05441d0a301287d9ef61254fa32b
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Branch: HEAD
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.0.0\""
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Bits: 64
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Mode: Release
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Maintainers: John Chodera <john.chodera@choderalab.org> and Peter Eastman
21:31:33:I1:WU8: <peastman@stanford.edu>
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Args: -dir knLbGnY2371si9mK2XKmUBy6NHNZIQ9SnenM2jhnIRk -suffix 01
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -version 8.3.5 -lifeline 5468 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
21:31:33:I1:WU8:************************************ libFAH ************************************
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Date: Aug 3 2023
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Time: 08:27:48
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Revision: 112c2234abe20611a05652defc3c7f854cbf927f
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Branch: HEAD
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Bits: 64
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Mode: Release
21:31:33:I1:WU8:************************************ CBang *************************************
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Version: 1.7.2
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2023
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Homepage: https://cauldrondevelopment.com/
21:31:33:I1:WU8: License: GPL 2+
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Date: Aug 3 2023
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Time: 08:27:30
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Revision: eae4b58965bdd4d54ea9eb77972674352b37a547
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Branch: HEAD
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
21:31:33:I1:WU8: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie -fPIC
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Platform: linux 5.15.0-1041-azure
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Bits: 64
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Mode: Release
21:31:33:I1:WU8:************************************ System ************************************
21:31:33:I1:WU8: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU X 980 @ 3.33GHz
21:31:33:I1:WU8: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2
21:31:33:I1:WU8: CPUs: 12
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Memory: 11.66GiB
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Free Memory: 6.29GiB
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
21:31:33:I1:WU8: OS Version: 6.5
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Has Battery: false
21:31:33:I1:WU8: On Battery: false
21:31:33:I1:WU8: UTC Offset: -7
21:31:33:I1:WU8: PID: 5975
21:31:33:I1:WU8: CWD: /var/lib/fah-client/work
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Exec: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-23/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-23-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23
21:31:33:I1:WU8:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Version: 8.0.0
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Project: 18221 (Run 10691, Clone 0, Gen 8)
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Reading tar file core.xml
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Reading tar file integrator.xml
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Digital signatures verified
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Folding@home GPU Core23 Folding@home Core
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Version 8.0.3
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Checkpoint write interval: 25000 steps (2%) [50 total]
21:31:33:I1:WU8: JSON viewer frame write interval: 12500 steps (1%) [100 total]
21:31:33:I1:WU8: XTC frame write interval: 10000 steps (0.8%) [125 total]
21:31:33:I1:WU8: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
21:31:33:I1:WU8:There are 4 platforms available.
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Platform 0: Reference
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Platform 1: CPU
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Platform 2: OpenCL
21:31:33:I1:WU8: opencl-device 0 specified
21:31:33:I1:WU8:Platform 3: CUDA
21:31:33:I1:WU8: cuda-device 0 specified
21:31:33:I1:WU7:UPLOAD 97% 29.49MiB of 30.48MiB
21:31:37:I1:OUT6:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:31:45:I1:WU8:Attempting to create CUDA context:
21:31:45:I1:WU8: Configuring platform CUDA
21:31:53:I1:WU8: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
21:31:53:I1:WU8: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
21:31:53:I1:WU8: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
21:31:53:I1:WU8: GPU info: Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER
21:31:53:I1:WU8: GPU info: DeviceIndex: 0