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NVIDIA CUDA for GPU cores ?
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:00 am
by robo
Hi folks - does the NVIDIA CUDA GPU processing platform look more interesting than previous NVIDIA infrastructure for use for MD ?
This can apparently run on some of the high-end GPUs, and on cards built for GPU-style compute acceleration:
- robo
Re: NVIDIA CUDA for GPU cores ?
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:44 am
by 7im
No, sorry. CUDA is not yet compatible with the current Brook backend the fah GPU client is based upon. And CUDA is specific only the Nvidia, and the fah project uses Brook to stay vendor neutral.
mhouston wrote:Brook supports multiple backends including DX9, OpenGL, and CTM. CUDA is a different language and model from Brook, although they are similar, and stability is unproven. For example, CUDA only works with certain drivers and doesn't currently work under Vista. More importantly, CUDA requires an entire rewrite of the application without being able to guarantee that things will work any better. I really wish we could get access to the lower level interface that CUDA maps to as that would allow us to write a Brook backend for the CUDA interface and allow the code to run without modification...
Also, at least for the moment, CUDA requires specific drivers that may impact game play.
Please refer back to the active thread on this topic "Where's my GPU?" viewtopic.php?f=10&t=152