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Smaller Tasks for 750ti
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:41 pm
by mschwichtenberg
Hello, I only have a 750ti available. The projects therefore last longer than a day. Is it possible to get smaller tasks as well, so that a project can be completed in a few hours? Thank you and best regards Michael
Re: Smaller Tasks for 750ti
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:10 pm
by PaulTV
Welcome to the forum!
You can't select the job size as such, but you can select a cause to fold for. You can try to find one that give you smaller jobs. I can't tell you which cause has the smallest jobs, I just know that you should not choose Alzheimer's (as that will give large jobs). Note that choosing a cause is a preference - if there are no jobs for that cause, you'll get a random job. That makes picking out a cause that fits your card best a bit nasty, I'm afraid - you'd have to check the job to see if it matches the cause.
The 750ti isn't that fast a card, and I don't know if you'll get jobs that are finished in a few hours, though.
You don't have to finish a job in one go, really. A job has two time limits: the timeout and the expiration (more on the latter). You can see those in FAHControl. If you go to the browser interface, you'll only see the expiration ('My computer has ... to complete the job'). You'll normally want to finish a job before the timeout hits (the time you can only see in FAHControl). If a job isn't returned before timeout, it'll be re-queued and picked up by someone else. So if the card can't finish jobs before the timeout anymore, it's not really useful anymore for folding. I'm not saying that'll be the case with your card - I really don't know - I'm just explaining so that you can judge yourself.
You'll still get points after a job get past its timeout, as long as you return the job before the expiration. If a job gets past its expiration, the client will ditch the job and get a new one. So as long as most jobs are returned before the timeout hits, and occasionally one is returned after the timeout, you'll still get rewards, and the card will still be useful.
Re: Smaller Tasks for 750ti
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:12 am
by BobWilliams757
I used the method of preferences as suggested above, and at times it helped quite a lot. In my case I had onboard graphics that were slower than a 750ti and at that time the species designation was such that sometimes I couldn't meet the expiration on certain projects. Using the preferences to find smaller projects usually helped with this.
That little Vega 8 could often be a day plus to finish many projects, and at times barely finished projects with a 2 day deadline. There isn't much you can do other than make sure your system is stable so you don't lose all that time with a crash. In my case I finally reached a point where I just picked up a quicker GPU to avoid the hassles and help move the science along quicker.
Re: Smaller Tasks for 750ti
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:06 pm
May I recommend you get at least a 1060 3GB or one of those P100-106 GPU without video outputs designed for mining exclusively? You can keep the ti for display purposes only and harness the power of a mining GPU. Indeed you cannot select the size of the project. You might also want to update the driver to make sure you get the best out of that ti. Good luck!