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FAH504-Console installation

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:12 pm
by HeBoyd
Was running FAH503 and monitor kept degrading worse each day. Read that the recommended cure was to install FAH504, which I did after uninstalling the other version. After executing the installer, my desktop is cluttered with with various new icons/folders which I do not like. Also the only way I can confirm that anything is running is by using Task Manager. There is apparently no way to uninstall program either. I would like to know if I can remove the desktop clutter and is there some way to gain control of what is running? Did something go wrong? :oops:

Re: FAH504-Console installation

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:26 pm
by bruce
The FAH504 client is not distributed as a windows installer, it's pure software. You need to place it in a directory of your choice, not on your desktop. (perhaps the same one that previously contained 5.03 if it's still there) Then you need to build your own shortcuts to run it.

The files FAHlog*.txt, unitinfo.txt, queue.dat, FahCore_*.exe, client.cfg, work, etc. will either stay in the same directory that's mentioned in your shortcut or stay where 5.03 was installed.

Re: FAH504-Console installation

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:04 pm
by HeBoyd
Thanks much for your patience. I will proceed based on the addition understanding. :D