Port forwarding issues
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 9:42 am
There is a public webserver in my network, a typical dst-nat port forwarding rule is enabled on the router on destination port 80 and server port 80, so that people from outside the network can connect to the webserver. When this rule is enabled, none of my folding units in the local network is able to get new work assignments (please see error message from the logs below). When I turn off the port forwarding rule on my router, each local network unit is able to get work assignments again. Can anyone shed some light on that? Why is FAH failing to get WAs if there is a webserver in the network and port forwarding enabled?
There is a public webserver in my network, a typical dst-nat port forwarding rule is enabled on the router on destination port 80 and server port 80, so that people from outside the network can connect to the webserver. When this rule is enabled, none of my folding units in the local network is able to get new work assignments (please see error message from the logs below). When I turn off the port forwarding rule on my router, each local network unit is able to get work assignments again. Can anyone shed some light on that? Why is FAH failing to get WAs if there is a webserver in the network and port forwarding enabled?
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16:07:05:WU00:FS00:Connecting to assign1.foldingathome.org:80
16:07:26:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from 'assign1.foldingathome.org:80': Failed to connect to assign1.foldingathome.org:80: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
16:07:26:WU00:FS00:Connecting to assign2.foldingathome.org:80
16:07:48:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from 'assign2.foldingathome.org:80': Failed to connect to assign2.foldingathome.org:80: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
16:07:48:WU00:FS00:Connecting to assign3.foldingathome.org:80
16:08:09:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from 'assign3.foldingathome.org:80': Failed to connect to assign3.foldingathome.org:80: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
16:08:09:WU00:FS00:Connecting to assign4.foldingathome.org:80
16:08:31:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from 'assign4.foldingathome.org:80': Failed to connect to assign4.foldingathome.org:80: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.