Guide for installing FAH v7.6.21 on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS v1
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:22 pm
This guide is for those new to Folding-At-Home using the Ubuntu Linux OS
Acknowledgement; Much of this Guide is the result of the efforts of others on this forum and I would like to thank all of them for their generous guidance. This is a work in progress, better ways of installing FAH are welcomed. I would like to get rid of Step 7, which is the only manual intervention in the installation process.
Test conditions;
* CPU - AMD R7-3700X, (not critical, either AMD or Intel should be OK)
* GPU - Nvidia GTX 1060, 3G, Nvidia Driver 460.32.03, (Critical when using Nvidia GPUs, AMD drivers for AMD devices will also be critical.)
* OS - Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, Minimal Install, Fully Upgraded, (other Ubuntu releases may be similar.)
* FAHClient v7.6.21, (using the latest release of FAHClient)
* Uses the GUI Interface of Ubuntu
Step 1, Getting the OS ready to Fold;
a. Update and Upgrade Ubuntu
b. Nvidia drivers are required to Fold if you have a NVidia gpu. Open Ubuntu 'Software and Updates' then 'Additional Drivers'. Ensure that 'Using ... nvidia-driver-460' is selected and then 'Close'
c. OpenCL dev files are required to successfully use any gpu for Folding;
Open a terminal and issue the following command;
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
d. Reboot the PC
Step 2, Installing the FAHClient file which is the basic requirement for folding work;
a. Open
b. Choose 'Start folding'
c. Under 'Debian / Mint / Ubuntu', choose;
Do not 'Open' but rather choose 'Save'
d. [Optional] Do the same for FAHViewer by Saving;
Note; The third file, FAHControl requires Python2 while Ubuntu 20.04 uses Python3. This guide uses a pre-release version of FAHControl that will be covered in the next step.
Step 3, Saving the FAHControl file. This App is used as the GUI Interface for the FAHClient.
a. Go to;
b. Choose 'Testing Builds for Python 3'
c. Choose 'python3-fahcontrol_7.7.0-1_all.deb'
Save, don't open
Step 4, Installing FAHClient
a. Find the downloaded FAH files in the 'Downloads' folder.
b. Install the FAHClient in the Terminal by issuing this example command, substituting your path to the .deb file. The path can be found in 'Properties' of the file.
sudo dpkg -i /home/steve/Downloads/fahclient_7.6.21_amd64.deb
c. Answer the questions that appear in the simple gui interface for FAHClient
d. Folding should start automatically.
Step 5, Installing FAHControl using the same steps as in Step 4 but using this example command in the Terminal, again substituting your path;
sudo dpkg -i /home/steve/Downloads/python3-fahcontrol_7.7.0-1_all.deb
Step 6, Start FAHControl;
a. Issus this Terminal command;
FAHControl & exit
b. A window should appear for FAHControl showing the status of the FAHClient
c. Under 'Status', 'Folding Slots' check whether there are one or two slots 'Running'.
d. If there are two slots running, 'cpu' & 'gpu', your done!
e. However, if there is only one slot running, more steps are required to get the gpu running
Step 7, Enabling the GPU;
a. Choose 'Configure' at the top left of the FAHControl window and then choose 'Expert'
b. In the 'Extra Client' items, look for 'gpu' 'false'
c. Expand the window so you see the commands 'Add and 'Remove' near the bottom
d. Choose the gpu false attribute and then click 'Remove'
e. Choose 'Save' and when it's done saving, close all open windows and reboot the PC.
d. After reboot, use FAHControl and exit in the Terminal and check whether two slots are running as in Step 6. If both the cpu and gpu slots are running, you're done!
Note to self, add Loading of FAHViewer.
If you're curious about how this Guide came to be - look here
Acknowledgement; Much of this Guide is the result of the efforts of others on this forum and I would like to thank all of them for their generous guidance. This is a work in progress, better ways of installing FAH are welcomed. I would like to get rid of Step 7, which is the only manual intervention in the installation process.
Test conditions;
* CPU - AMD R7-3700X, (not critical, either AMD or Intel should be OK)
* GPU - Nvidia GTX 1060, 3G, Nvidia Driver 460.32.03, (Critical when using Nvidia GPUs, AMD drivers for AMD devices will also be critical.)
* OS - Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, Minimal Install, Fully Upgraded, (other Ubuntu releases may be similar.)
* FAHClient v7.6.21, (using the latest release of FAHClient)
* Uses the GUI Interface of Ubuntu
Step 1, Getting the OS ready to Fold;
a. Update and Upgrade Ubuntu
b. Nvidia drivers are required to Fold if you have a NVidia gpu. Open Ubuntu 'Software and Updates' then 'Additional Drivers'. Ensure that 'Using ... nvidia-driver-460' is selected and then 'Close'
c. OpenCL dev files are required to successfully use any gpu for Folding;
Open a terminal and issue the following command;
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
d. Reboot the PC
Step 2, Installing the FAHClient file which is the basic requirement for folding work;
a. Open
b. Choose 'Start folding'
c. Under 'Debian / Mint / Ubuntu', choose;
Do not 'Open' but rather choose 'Save'
d. [Optional] Do the same for FAHViewer by Saving;
Note; The third file, FAHControl requires Python2 while Ubuntu 20.04 uses Python3. This guide uses a pre-release version of FAHControl that will be covered in the next step.
Step 3, Saving the FAHControl file. This App is used as the GUI Interface for the FAHClient.
a. Go to;
b. Choose 'Testing Builds for Python 3'
c. Choose 'python3-fahcontrol_7.7.0-1_all.deb'
Save, don't open
Step 4, Installing FAHClient
a. Find the downloaded FAH files in the 'Downloads' folder.
b. Install the FAHClient in the Terminal by issuing this example command, substituting your path to the .deb file. The path can be found in 'Properties' of the file.
sudo dpkg -i /home/steve/Downloads/fahclient_7.6.21_amd64.deb
c. Answer the questions that appear in the simple gui interface for FAHClient
d. Folding should start automatically.
Step 5, Installing FAHControl using the same steps as in Step 4 but using this example command in the Terminal, again substituting your path;
sudo dpkg -i /home/steve/Downloads/python3-fahcontrol_7.7.0-1_all.deb
Step 6, Start FAHControl;
a. Issus this Terminal command;
FAHControl & exit
b. A window should appear for FAHControl showing the status of the FAHClient
c. Under 'Status', 'Folding Slots' check whether there are one or two slots 'Running'.
d. If there are two slots running, 'cpu' & 'gpu', your done!
e. However, if there is only one slot running, more steps are required to get the gpu running
Step 7, Enabling the GPU;
a. Choose 'Configure' at the top left of the FAHControl window and then choose 'Expert'
b. In the 'Extra Client' items, look for 'gpu' 'false'
c. Expand the window so you see the commands 'Add and 'Remove' near the bottom
d. Choose the gpu false attribute and then click 'Remove'
e. Choose 'Save' and when it's done saving, close all open windows and reboot the PC.
d. After reboot, use FAHControl and exit in the Terminal and check whether two slots are running as in Step 6. If both the cpu and gpu slots are running, you're done!
Note to self, add Loading of FAHViewer.
If you're curious about how this Guide came to be - look here